Utah Valley Single Parents Association


UVSPA is a non-profit organization of single parents in Utah Valley.

We will be holding our first meeting on April 21, 2007

Location & TIME to be determined.  Please RSVP!!!

(I'm thinking of the park in Provo Canyon).  I'm open to suggestions.

All persons are allowed to join the association regardless of gender, creed, race, or marital status.

There is no fee for attending the meeting.

All are welcome, including children.

Proposed Agenda:

1.  Registration of new members
2.  Getting to know each other
3.  Networking
4.  Setting Goals for our organization


NOTICE:  I need help!

If you'd like to help organizing things in any way, please contact me.

Or for more information, please contact me.


Suggested Purposes of the organization:

The purpose of Utah Valley Single Parents Association will include,

but not be limited to banding together and...

1.  giving emotional and physical support to each other in our parental responsibilities

2.  providing financial and legal advice to single parents (in close connection with gov't organizations)

3.  in some rare instances,  if the organization can afford it, providing financial assistance

4.  networking among single parents

5.  pooling our resources to share in order to benefit all members of the organization

6.  petitioning the government for single parents right to work in Utah and be a single parent (so that single parents do not have to be a "drag" upon the "system")

7.  achieving recognition by government and employers that single parents have it tough, especially those that do not receive any child support or alimony from separated or divorced spouses.

8.  providing extra-curricular educational assistance for the children of single parents

9.  establishing a list of SAFE child-care providers in Utah Valley, and possibly establishing our own day-care system as well as an after-school-care system

10.  organizing social activities for the members and their dependents.