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Leon's Health Watch
Leon's Planet Against Destructive Decisions

*** Promoting Holistic Health and Healing ***



 Question: What does "holistic health and healing" mean?

A: Well, holistic means "wholly", i.e., healing the body, the mind & the soul.

The body, mind, and soul are integrally linked.  When one of the three is unhealthy, it adversely affects the other two.

Table of Contents

OXYGEN & LIGHT Therapies w/ Elevaré Wellness"

CBD Oil and it's benefits (Plus, where to get some).

Prevent Teen Prescription Drug Misuse

"Cell Phone Addiction"

The ~Rona and the "Cure"

Alcohol Awareness

 "Medical Mysteries Solved:  Causes and Cures
for Fibromyalgia, Pancreatitis, Type-2 Diabetes"

  "The Most Nutritious Foods on the Planet."


I.  Suffer From Allergies? New research...
[March 24, 2004]
II.  What does "Organic" food really mean?
[March 23, 2004]
III. Green Tea:  How it fights cancer
[March 15, 2004]
IV. Top causes of death in America
[March 9, 2004]
V. An example of how mental health
affects physical health
[March 5, 2004]
VI. Watch out for the Bird Flu in
 South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, and Japan!
[Jan.15, 2004]
VII. Why are Americans so fat?
[Dec. 2003]

Click here


to go with the articles


Date & Article
(NOTE: All articles printed on this page are by me, Leon.  There may be links to other websites or articles on other websites that I endorse/support.)

Pinned to the top.

NOTE:  This article is pinned to the top.  For other articles, please keep scrolling.
       On July 4th, 2018, I formed LADD, or Leon's Planet Against Destructive Decisions, the purpose of which is to promote the treatment of addicts as victims and not criminals.  We as a country need to "tackle" the "root" of the problem and its not the drugs.  It's the mental health of our citizens.  People turn to drugs as an escape from real life problems, and become trapped in addiction(s).  Merely putting the victims in jail and/or rehab is not going to solve the problem(s); unless rehab includes "love" as a component of its program.  Love will solve the problems.  Anyways, here are some links to articles provided to me from the lovely Molly Anderson of Recovery Hope Organization and the awesome Kim Thomas of US Health Corps.

Links to other articles (Contributed by Molly Anderson):

Why We Should Treat, Not Blame Addicts Struggling to Get ‘Clean’

13 Valuable Alternative Treatments for Addiction

The Comprehensive Guide to Home Accessibility for People with Disabilities in Recovery

Beyond Opioids: Other Options for Treating Chronic Pain

Why the Gay and Transgender Population Experiences Higher Rates of Substance Abuse

Links to other articles (Contributed by Kim Thomas):

Talking to Your Kids About Drug and Alcohol Abuse: The Ultimate Do’s and Don’ts Guide

Intervention eBook: What to do if your child is drinking or using drugs

Co-Occurring Disorders

Promoting Mental Health at Home

How to Apply for Disability Benefits with Drug Addiction

Substance Abuse in the Workplace: What to Do When an Employee Returns from Rehab

Home After Rehab: The Guide to Finding the Right Place for Recovery


April 02, 2024

Elevaré Wellness is a small business that does Wellness Coaching (and I think sells some wellness products), which mainly (but not entirely) deal with getting pure oxygen to your cells, and light therapy; both to heal the body.  Let's face it, our medical system is failing us.  They cannot heal certain things without expensive surgery (if at all).  It's time to explore alternative forms of natural healing.  I'm a big believer that light is God's medicine.  The Bible says that God is Light and God is Love.  I believe that when the woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus' garment, she was healed by Light/Love that flowed out of Jesus into her body.  Jesus felt the healing energy flow out of him.  I have severe pain in my shoulder that doctors cannot heal.  I'm going to try this light and oxygen therapy and I'll let you know how it goes.  In the meantime, you might want to try it too.  Just click on the logo to the right to go to the website.



March 26, 2024

This is an excerpt taken from the Wikipedia article on CBD.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a phytocannabinoid discovered in 1940. It is one of 113 identified cannabinoids in cannabis plants, along with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and accounts for up to 40% of the plant's extract.[14] As of 2022, clinical research on CBD included studies related to the treatment of anxiety, addiction, psychosis, movement disorders, and pain, but there is insufficient high-quality evidence that cannabidiol is effective for these conditions.

I have tried it and I know it works.  In fact, I use it daily to relieve shoulder pain, which doctors cannot cure.  So, just because there hasn't been enough scientific evidence, I have plenty of anecdotal evidence.

Leon's Planet Proudly Supports
Playful Hearts.
Playful Hearts sells CBD Oil and Other Natural Wellness Products.  You will not only help yourself but also help the family that sells such products.
I know them personally and I don't get any money for this ad.  Just click on their logo below to see their website/shop.

Please support them.  They use they same products that they peddle to heal their own family.  Please buy your CBD and other wellness products from them.

I buy mine from them!

Click here.


Just click on the image below to learn more...

February 14, 2022

Get the 411 on cell phone addiction!

Brought to you by Cell Phone Deal.

Thank-you, CellPhoneDeal, for your very responsible and detailed information about cell phone addiction and how to deal with it.

Interestingly, today is Valentine's Day.  Show your love for yourself and/or others by becoming aware of the signs of cell phone addiction and how to deal with it.



















July 11, 2021

The 2019"~Rona" & The "Cure"


I have heretofore stayed away from this topic, but I cannot in good conscience stay away from it any more.  As you know, we have gone through a dark period in our recent history.  Before I go any further, please note that I shall try to avoid certain terms that might trigger certain algorithms, but I'm pretty sure that you will know exactly what I'm writing about.  ~Rona is short for a Latin-based word that means "crown" and it is named thusly because it is round and spiky like a crown.

I Completely Lost it!

When the 2019~rona first became known, I was one of the first to sound the alarm with family members.  I admit that I over-reacted a bit.  I thought that we were all going to die.  No, not literally, but I knew that a lot of people would die.  The effort on my part was to keep myself and family members alive as long as possible and possibly survive this thing.  I stocked up on supplies, (but I was a little late to stock up on toilet paper, unfortunately).

Don't get me wrong.  I'm all for precautions.  I love all the sanitizer usage.  I love the cleanliness and hygienic behaviors.  However, I am NOT a big fan of masks, especially since they don't work, and in fact are making people sick.  I'm a teacher, and I had so many students out of class due to sore throats, coughs, and sinus infections, that had nothing to do with the pandemic, but rather the wearing of masks.  I could go into great detail, but I trust that you can figure out why.  Not a single child in our school got seriously ill from the ~rona.  No one in the school, nor anyone connected with the school died.

What is the ~rona?

The ~rona (short for "corona") is a classification of micro-viral-entities (MVEs) (technically not living organisms).  In the interest of brevity, I will hereafter refer to them as C-MVEs.  And this particular class shall be referred to as C-MVEs.  C-MVEs are to blame for all of the colds that infect that human race.  So, humans {funded by Fauchi (spelled incorrectly on purpose) and Gates} got to tinkering with these C-MVEs to see if they could create a new C-MVE, which would be more virulent than the former C-MVEs.   That was in China, (not shockingly), and it got loose, (again not shockingly), and spread like wildfire.  (Loki, which means 'wildfire', must have been proud, if not personally involved).

The Evil-Ones

The evil ones in power took full advantage of the crisis.  "Never let any crisis got to waste," is their mantra.  Others are just scared, and rightly so, because the complicit media is in bed with the evil ones and promote fear.

The "Cure"

The 'cure' is worse than the disease.  Have you ever heard that expression?  Well, it seems to be true in this case.  If you are in denial, you must be living under a rock or so mind-numbed by the complicit media that you cannot distinguish truth from fiction anymore.  The truth is that most people will survive the 'cure', but many have died and many more will die.  No one should die from a 'cure'.  NO ONE!!!!  Maybe its NOT a cure after all.

The messengerRNA Shot

I'm not against vacc's (misspelled on purpose).  My family, including myself, has been completely inoculated, even beyond that which is required to attend public schools.  However, the thing that is touted as a vacc/cure is not really a vacc in the true sense of the word.  Rather, it is genetic manipulation.  It changes your RNA to become a factory for producing spiked proteins, which in theory would stimulate one's body to produce antibodies to stop the 2019-CMVE.  There are problems with this model, however.  There are side-effects.  The powers-that-be say that it is safe, because these side effects (including death)  affect a very small percentage of the population.  Personally, I have a zero-tolerance for medicine that harms anyone.

Preface & Disclaimer:  I don't have time to find all the articles that I have read and all the videos that I have watched on this topic.  (However, I have found some of them and linked them for you.)  On the whole, you will have to do your own research and verify that what I'm saying is true (or not).  I'm not a doctor and I'm not giving you advice.  I'm just conveying the information that I have found through my own research about the "~rona-vacc".
Here are some facts to research: 
(1)  There are claims from alleged doctors that mRNA-vaxxes did not pass clinical trials.  When they were tested on animals, every single animal died.
(2)  The rona-vaxx may stop the 2019-CME, but there are claims by alleged doctors that it weakens the immune system against other pathogens.
(3)  There are claims by doctors that the rona-vaxx causes miscarriages, infertility, and other fertility issues.  (Here's another source).
(4)  There are claims that the rona-vaxx causes heart inflammation (and these are in the mainstream media).  (Here's another source).
(5)  There are claims that the rona-vaxx causes blood clots, which can cause strokes and heart attacks (and these are in the mainstream media).
(6)  There are claims that the rona-vaxx causes paralysis (even the vaxx-producers admit this), and a whole list of other side effects.  (Source).
(7)  There are claims that the rona-vaxx causes death.  (Source that alleges 5500 deaths).  (Another source that alleges 45,000 deaths).
(8)  Then, there are those who don't experience any side effects, besides the normal short-term flu-like symptoms that come with most inoculations.
(9)  You legally do not have to be inoculated.
(10)  There are claims of "shedding" from those who've received the rona-vaxx.
(11)  There are claims that people who receive the rona-vaxx are still getting 2019-CMVE (the -rona).  (One of many sources).  (Another source).
(12)  There are claims that people who have receive the rona-vaxx are getting infected and experiencing complications faster and more than those who do not (in certain areas).
(13)  There are claims that people which certain genetic traits are being more affected adversely than those without.
(14)  Go ahead and trust the "science"; it's no skin off my back, but here's the latest from Microsoft News, re-reporting an article from the New York Times, saying that the FDA now admits that the J&J rona-vaxx causes a neurological disorder.
(15)  This just in!  The Pf-vaxx is shown to damage every system in the body.  (Source).

Lastly, here's some more messages...
A Message from Dr. Simon Gold, MD, JD

A Message from Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi 

A Message from Dr.Vladimir Zelenko

A Message from Dr. Judy Mikovits

A Message To The 'Vacc'-Pushers

A Message from Dr. Dan Stock

If you would like to report an adverse effect of the rona-vacc, please contact VAERS.

Pandemic News

Do you have more links/articles?  Please contact me.

July 13, 2018  (Friday the 13th)

Just how bad is my drinking?  What can I do?

This is another public service I am doing.  Here is the link:

Resources | AlcoholAwareness.org



Note:  I was once convicted of impaired driving, and it was a wake-up call for me.  As I lay on that cold, hard, concrete floor, stripped of all my rights; I made up my mind never to drink again.  And, I kept my promise.  Now, I will spend the rest of my life trying to discourage others from making the same mistake that I made...or worse.


























2014 June 04
Medical Mysteries Solved:
   Causes & Cures for Fibromyalgia, Pancreatitis, Type-2 Diabetes

By me (Leon of Leon's Planet)


*DISCLAIMER:  I am NOT a doctor.  Do not take my advice.  Do your own research and make up your mind for yourself.

FOREWORD:  Do you or does someone you know suffer from any of the following diseases:

(1) fibromyalgia, (2) pancreatitis, (3) type-2 diabetes,

If so, you definitely will want to read this article.  It just might save your life, and increase the level of quality of your life.   

My personal research and personal experience with many of the above diseases has led me to certain conclusions.  I have found causes.  You cannot cure unless you know the cause.  When I removed those causes, I healed both myself and my son.

No, I am not a doctor.  So, you may wish to take what I write with a grain of salt.  There’s no skin off my back.  However, I strongly advise you to consider the evidence that I provide below, and seriously consider taking some action in your own life/lives.


The Mayo Clinic’s website claims that doctors have no idea what causes fibromyalgia.  What is fibromyalgia?  Let’s break down the word into its root elements (its morphemes):

Fibro = fibers, my = muscles, algia = pain

Fibromyalgia is described as a chronic, intense muscular pain anywhere and sometimes all over the body; especially, but not limited to the joints.  Headache is also a common symptom that accompanies the muscular pain.  Scientists know that it is a nervous disease.  [This is important.  Remember that:  nervous disease.]

I'm not a doctor and I cannot say for sure what causes fibromyalgia, but here's my experience:

I occasionally have woken up in the morning with intense muscular pain all over my neck and back, combined with a headache.  Prima facie there appeared to be no explanation for the sudden pain that I experienced.  So, it took me a while to figure out what was causing it.

After several years, I finally figured it out.  It appears to be caused by the consumption of monosodium glutamate (MSG).  I found that if I eliminated all MSG from my diet, the pain goes away and not return.  Parenthetically, I linked the pain to a particular Korean restaurant that I frequented, which put MSG in its food, especially the soups.  You’ve got to watch out for the Chinese and Korean soups!

Now (10 years later after I first wrote this article), I'm experiencing a new kind of pain in my shoulder, and it's not the MSG, because I have completely eradicated that from my diet.  It's a kind of pain I have never before experienced in my life.  I wonder if it is fibromyalgia, but from a different cause.  But, anyways, back to my rant on MSG...

All about MSG (in a nutshell)

You may be asking yourself, “Is there any evidence that MSG is bad for the human body?”  In fact, there is a lot.  But, first, Where does msg come from?  The short answer is it comes from seaweed.  The long answer is that a Japanese scientist discovered it in extracts of seaweed that he was studying at the time, and when isolated from its natural environment, he discovered that it added flavor to foods.

History and uses of MSG

It was originally used as a meat tenderizer that also enhanced the flavor of the meat.  After that, due to the flavor-enhancing properties, it was added to other foods, especially soups and flavored chips.

How does MSG work?

It works by stimulating the nerves.  [Remember that fibromyalgia is a nervous disease???]

Is MSG safe?

Well, according to the FDA it is safe.  The FDA approved the drug after it caused problems in lab rats, saying that it was safe for human consumption in moderate levels due to its low toxicity.  What?!!!  It’s toxic, but it’s safe?  I don’t get it.  

Let it be known that MSG is banned in the following countries:  Pakistan, (Wikipedia, 2018).

Link to article about MSG.


For many, many years, I would suffer from pancreatitis, but only after consuming food and beverage.  Of course, I went to the doctor.  He ran all kinds of tests, charged me a lot of money and said, “I don’t know what the problem is.” WASTE OF MY TIME AND MONEY!!!

It took me a long time to figure out what the culprit was (on my own), because it was in the LAST place that I would have suspected:  in my orange juice!  That’s right!  In my orange juice; Minute Maid orange juice to be exact.  Minute Maid is owned by Pepsi.  Pepsi by its own admission puts Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO) in all of its citrus flavored drinks because it acts as a medium to keep the orange juice particles (for lack of a better word) in suspension, so that they will not separate.  So, I was getting pancreatitis from Sprite as well.

Caveat:  There may be other things that cause pancreatitis as well, such as eating lots of oily food.  The pancreas performs two functions (that I am aware of).  They are:  (1) controlling blood sugar levels and (2) breaking down oils/fats.  BVO is an oil.  Clearly, there is a link there.

Type-2 Diabetes

I don’t suffer from type-2 diabetes, but my mother does.  So, because I love my mother, I did a lot of research about it.  My pre-conceived ideas about the disease were wrong.  I had thought that it was exactly like type-1 diabetes only the onset was later in life, as opposed to innate.  Again, I was wrong.  What’s the difference?

Type-1 diabetes is usually from birth and is where the pancreas does not produce enough insulin in order to regulate blood sugar levels.  Hyperglycemia (or too much blood sugar) means that your body isn’t breaking down the carbohydrates and it cannot be used by cells to create energy needed for all biological functions.

Type-2 diabetes is usually later in life, (but recent trends indicate that it is happening younger and younger, especially in obese children).  It is where the pancreas DOES produce the proper amount of insulin, but the body is resistant to it.  Again, this results in the cells not getting enough broken-down carbohydrates in order to produce energy.

Doctors are clue-less.  The correlations with type-2 diabetes, such as obesity, and high sugar intake are leading doctors on a wild-goose chase.  SUGAR DOES NOT CAUSE TYPE-2 DIABETES!!!!  Sugar is NOT a toxin.  Sugar is needed by all the cells to produce energy.  It’s called cellular respiration.  Type-2 diabetes is caused by some toxic agent/chemical/substance that prevents insulin from doing its job!  It also causes glucose intolerance.

A recent article in the Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research says that a study concluded that MSG first made lab rats fat, then the rats develop insulin resistance and glucose intolerance.


Doctors (and medical researchers) conclude that it is because of too much sugar (carbohydrate) intake.  WRONG!  Too much of the carbohydrate group will just pass through the body unused.  And, here’s another news flash:  carbohydrates are NOT converted into fat cells.

I know what you are thinking.  The common school of thought is the following:

Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose (a simple sugar), which is used for energy by all the cells in the body.  Excess glucose is stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver.  Excess glycogen is converted into tri-glycerides (a kind of fat).  

But, wait a minute!  Recent evidence contradicts that ancient “dark-age” claim.

The Evidence

(1) Studies have shown that de novo lipogenesis (new-fat-making) is very low in humans, even when large amounts of carbohydrates are consumed.


(2) Studies have shown that it is the simple sugars (such as table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup) are the problem; NOT complex carbohydrates.  But, even then, you have to consume an insane amount for de novo lipogenesis to occur.



Dr. John McDougal says that starch (a complex carbohydrate) does NOT convert to fat, even when consumed in excess.



Type-2 diabetes and Aspartame

If you think that MSG is the only culprit that may cause type-2 diabetes, you are sadly wrong.  Many studies are demonstrating a link between artificial sweeteners (such as aspartame, brand-name Nutrisweet) and weight gain.  Now, a recent study is showing that aspartame increases/worsens insulin sensitivity.  (This is as I have been saying for many years, but couldn’t prove it until now).



We are being poisoned by our own race (the human race).  Those people who promote the use of and/or okay the use of neurotoxins such as MSG and aspartame are systematically poisoning their fellow humans for gain and profit.  It is absolutely disgusting.  It is disturbing to me that any human being would hurt others for profit; But, it happens.  We as a human race need to wake up and understand that there are people like that in this world, and we need to take responsibility for our OWN health safety.













       According to articles that I've read on WebMD recently, (sorry lost the links), Watermelon and Seaweed are two of the top ten most nutritious foods.

Advantages of Seaweed:
1.  Seaweed is highest (best) source of iron on the planet.  Iron is the main ingredient in hemoglobin, the chemical which transports oxygen to all the cells in the body.  The oxygen combines with the iron (making it red).  Lack of iron in the diet causes lethargy, and decreased brain function.

2.  Seaweed is the highest (best) source of iodine on the planet.  Now, if you eat a lot of iodized salt, then that might not be so good.  However, if you are health-conscious like me, you don't add much salt to your food.  Iodine is VERY important to our health.  Iodine is use by the thyroid gland to produce the human growth hormone.  While too much iodine can cause high blood pressure, too little can stunt growth and slow down body metabolism (which isn't good if you're trying to lose weight).

3.  Evidence shows that seaweed keeps fat cells at bay, which may explain why East Asia people are so thin, despite the consumption of meat and rice (both of which people consider to be "fattening", do to the fat in meat and carbohydrates in rice).

4.  Seaweed is full of antioxidants, which keep us looking young, and prevent diseases.

5.  Seaweed is high in vitamin B1, which keeps muscle tissue healthy.

6.  Seaweed is high in vitamin B2, which helps in the absorption of iodine.

7.  Seaweed contains tons of minerals and trace minerals that are so needed by our bodies for proper cellular functioning.

Advantages of Watermelon:
1.  ONE CUP of diced watermelon contains:

25% of RDA of vitamin C
12% of RDA of vitamin A
12% of RDA of vitamin B6
9% of RDA of vitamin B1
6% of RDA of potassium
5% of RDA of magnesium

2.  Watermelon contains carotenoid antioxidant lycopene, (also in tomatoes), which neutralizes free-radicals (bad guys) in our bodies.


Conclusion:  Think Green and Red (Christmas Colors) for your diet!


PLEASE NOTE:  This particular page mostly deals with the body, and it is not intended to supercede the advice of a trained professional in one's field of expertise.  On the side of keeping healthy by having power and/or electronics that work during a grid failure and/or EMP blast, please consider getting EMP Shield as soon as possible.

The #1 delivery method of 
High Altitude Electro-Magnetic Pulse

Prevent this!  Or any electronic failure due to EMP.

Get $50-off




I.  "Chronic Sinusitis Relieved by Antifungal"

Antifungal Nasal Spray Decreases Inflammation, Improves Symptoms

By Melissa Schorr 
WebMD Medical News Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario, MD
on Wednesday, March 24, 2004 

March 24, 2004 (San Francisco) -- For those suffering from chronic sinusitis, relief may be soon be here. 

A new study suggests that when antibiotics fail, a nasal spray to fight fungus may improve inflammation in the sinus cavity. 

Researchers say they believe that chronic sinusitis may actually be triggered by fungus in the air. They say this can initiate an immune reaction in the sinuses of certain people who are especially sensitive. "The data we have supports that theory better than any others I've seen," Sherris says. 

About 14% of the population suffers from chronic sinusitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the nasal lining, congestion, and nasal discharge lasting more than three months. Many sufferers also complain of chronic cough, particularly at night or upon awakening. People with chronic sinusitis often fail to get better with antibiotics, and the condition is frequently seen in people with seasonal allergies. 

--------------For the rest of the article, Click link below--------------

© 2004 WebMD Inc. All rights reserved.

--------------My comments on the above article--------------

Yo!  I've been saying this for years!  Anyone who knows me well enough, knows that I suffer from allergens in the air, especially in the South Korean Autumn (while I was living there), and slightly in the South Korean Spring.

I concluded (by myself) that it must be due to fungal spores in the air.  How did I come to this conclusion, you ask?  Well, I'll tell ya.  You see, South Korean summers are extremely humid.  Plus, summer is the monsoon (rainy season) in South Korea.  The copious amount of humidity, coupled with the warm weather, creates a prime enviroment for mold (and other fungi).  But, why don't people (like I) get allergies in the Summer???  Good question.  I'm glad you asked me that.  Hold your horses... I'm getting to that part.

If you know anything about mold, you know that it reproduces when it dries and dies, shooting thousands, maybe millions, of little spores into the air.  During the Summer months, none of the mold dries or dies.  Therefore, it doesn't send any spores into the air.  In the Fall, the weather cools and the humidity goes away.  Mold spores are ubiquitous in the South Korean air during the Fall.  I could smell them.  And of course, I would get violent sneezes, sinusitis, rhinitis, red, itchy eyes, and produce tons of clear mucus from my nose.  I didn't need any research like the one above to tell what was causing my allergies.  All it took was a little common knowelege and a little common sense (i.e., putting two and two together).

I'm glad the researchers have finally caught on to this problem and have a way to solve it.  I found that acupuncture was quite helpful during the Fall, but an antifungal, nasal spray sounds really nice.

The problem is, I'm not a doctor, so I cannot prescribe medicine for myself.  I generally know what is causing pain and suffering in my body.  I do not know which medicine to take for it.

I couldn't stand the antihistimines, because they made me sleepy.  That coupled with my iron-deficiency anemia just rendered me too sleepy to do anything productive.




II.  "What Qualifies as Organic?"

"Before October 2002, states followed varying rules for certifying and labeling organic products. But now all organic foods are grown and processed according to strict national standards set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

"To meet these standards, organic crops must be produced without conventional pesticides (including herbicides), synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, bioengineering, or ionizing radiation. Organically raised animals must be given organic feed and kept free of growth hormones and antibiotics. Organic farm animals must have access to the outdoors, including pastureland for grazing.

"If a food has a "USDA organic" label, it contains at least 95 percent organic ingredients, and a government-approved expert has inspected the farm where it was produced to make sure the farmer follows USDA requirements."

[This is an excerpt from an article on WebMD.com]


I'm glad that there are now strict laws, being enforced, about what is and what is not "organic".



III.  "Green Tea's Cancer-Fighting Target Found"

Antioxidant in Green Tea Slows Tumor Growth

By Jennifer Warner
WebMD Medical News Reviewed By Brunilda Nazario, MD
on Monday, March 15, 2004 

"March 15, 2004 -- A powerful antioxidant found in green tea may be responsible for the beverage's heralded anticancer benefits. 

"New research shows that the antioxidant, known as EGCG, binds to a protein found on tumor cells and dramatically slows their growth."

[for whole article go to WebMD.com]


It is reassuring to know that nature has provided us with a cancer-preventative!  I drink green tea every week.



IV.  Top 7 Causes of Death in the USA, in  2000 

1. Heart disease (710,760 deaths) 
2. Cancer (553,091) 
3. Stroke (167,561) 
4. Lung disease (122,009) 
5. Injuries from accidents (97,900) 
6. Diabetes (69,301) 
7. Flu and pneumonia (65,313)


The above information from an article online at... http://www.webmd.com/

Title: "Inactivity, Obesity Are Killing Americans"

By Jeanie Lerche Davis
WebMD Medical News Reviewed By Charlotte Grayson, MD
on Tuesday, March 09, 2004 


Yes, but what causes the heart disease and cancer?  I have a sneaky suspicion that it has something to do with all the chemicals in our foods, and a lot to do with stress, depression, pent-up anger, etc.


V.  An example of how mental health affects physical health...

From an article on...  http://www.webmd.com/

"Our results provide evidence that depression is an important and independent risk factor for troublesome pain," Carroll and colleagues write in the January 2004 issue of the journal Pain. "Those with both back pain and depression use twice the sick days and incur twice the health care costs as those with either problem separately."


Article Title: "Depression Doubles Disabling Back Pain"

By Daniel DeNoon
WebMD Medical News Reviewed By Charlotte Grayson, MD
on Friday, March 05, 2004 


See!  Depression causes disease!  I knew it!




VII.  Why are Americans so fat? [Posted Dec. 2003]


Fact:  The West (specifically UK, USA, Canada) are the fattest nations on the planet, with US in the lead.  Check out these articles/books:

Welcome to America... the fattest nation in the world! 
article by: Kathryn A. Parker, R.D.,L.D. 
Nutrition Consultant 

Fat Land : How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World
book by Greg Critser (Author)
Can be bought at Amazon.com


The Question is "Why?"

NOTE:  I haven't read either of the books above.  I'm just making an educated guess at the WHY Americans are so fat.

The answer is not so easy to find, for there are probably several culprits.

Possible culprits:

1.  Lack of Exercise

The West is full of modern conveniences, which eliminate much of the exercise that people used to get; such as: escalators in every shopping mall, elevators in most buildings more than three floors high, ride lawn mowers, tractors, automobiles, and so on and so on.

Here in Inner Monoglia, almost nobody has a car.  The main form of trasportation is either foot or bicycle.  The dormitory at my school/work place is seven storeys, with no elevator.

2.  Too much meat

In the West meat is more economical (more affordable), and thus people tend to eat more meat (which contains copious amounts of lipose tissue).

3.  Fast Food Restaurants

In the West, there are more fast food restaurants, which (until recently) haven't served very balanced meals (mostly just meat and potatoes with carbonated drinks).

4.  Carbonated Beverages (sugar-free or regular, doesn't matter)

In the West, people think that drinking diet (sugar-free) carbonated beverages is okay.  It isn't.  Let me explain the whys:

4a.  Studies have shown that people who drink carbonated drinks, tend to substitute carbonated beverages for more healthy drinks, such as milk or "real" juice (not that artificial crap).

4b.  Studies have shown that carbonation temporarily slows the body's metabolism (making the burning of calories less and less).

4c.  Studies have shown that carbonated beverages are diuretics (that means: they do NOT supply moisture to the body.  They go right through the digestive system.  People trick their brain into thinking it is getting water, but it is not.  This causes dehydration).  So, the body compensates for this, by "bloating" (which means: storing up water in the body's cells for further "drought" caused by the consumption of such diuretics).  So, when people say, "I'm not fat, I'm bloated," there may be some truth to the matter. (Although, I highly doubt it is the only reason).

5.  MSG (MonoSodium Glutamate)

Yes, I blame MSG for people getting overweight.  I recently read an article online that reported recent studies suggest people are fat because they eat exceedingly large portions.  I'm no doctor, but I know how MSG affects my body when I consume foods which contain it.  Basically, I can't stop eating.  The MSG seems to make the food taste SOOO good that I literally don't want to stop eating.  In fact, it seems to inhibit the body's sensor, which says, "I'll full", and actually stimulates the area of the brain that says, "I'm hungry; Give me more!"  Look, I do not need a medical degree to recognize that MSG does this do me.  I read the labels of the food I eat.  I know what's going into my body.  And I pay attention to my body.  Do little experiments yourself.  You'll see I'm right.  If you are overweight and trying to lose weight, you might want to avoid foods which contain MSG, and lessen your portions.

[Leon, Jan. 2004]


 The Bottom Line

Don't trust others (e.g., big business) to be in your best interest.
Do your research and buy healthy food.
Cook as much as you can at home from scratch.







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