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Winter Solstice

 (I love that picture!)

Winter Solstice Traditions Around the World
Also:  gods and goddesses associated with Winter Solstice


(Keep in mind; this is a work in progress.  I add stuff yearly.)

American Aboriginal
Middle Eastern
Far Eastern



What is a winter solstice?

December 22nd is the winter solstice.  (Actually December 22-24).

Unlike the equinoxes (equal length of day and night), which last only a single day, the solstices last for 3 days!  The winter solstice lasts from December 22nd until December 24th; three days of the shortest daylight, longest night.  Then on December 25th, the Earth begins to wobble back the other direction, making it appear that the sun gets higher and higher in the sky.

That's why the ancients of the Northern Hemisphere considered December 25th as the birthday of the sun!  The sun "died" on December 22nd and "raised" from the dead or was reborn every year on December 25th!  (That is why the Christians chose to celebrate the birth of their god on that day!  No one really knows for sure when Jesus was born).

Hence the traditions that we so often associate with Christmas are actually winter solstice traditions.  Take the example of the Christmas tree.  Where did that come from?  Well, after many years of searching, I came upon the origin of the Christmas tree completely by accident, and in the most unlikely place:  MONGOLIA!







Far Eastern Traditions
of Winter Solstice

Mongolian Traditions Oriental Traditions
(China, Japan, Korea)
Tibetan Traditions


Mongolian Winter Solstice Traditions

Assembling the ger (Mongolian yurt)

The Mongolian Winter Solstice Traditions
 (The Christmas Tree Came From Mongolia!)

According to an article by Jade Wah’oo Grigori, entitled:  “A Time of the Shaman’s Gift Bringing;” the traditional Mongolian winter solstice is a very, very, meaningful and important time for all Mongolians who still follow the old ways. [Honestly, there aren't many who still follow the old ways.  Most are in Buryatia.]

Now, when I use the word “Mongolian” I shall be referring to all the Mongol tribes collectively, including the Khalkhs and Buryats, and whichever others there are out there.  According to Ms Grigori, the Mongolian village shaman was and still is very central and important to the winter solstice ritual.  Villagers gather at the shaman’s ger, a circular tent or yurt.  There is a central pole which represents the ‘mother tree’, “ej mod.”  It is called other things too, like the “Tree of Life” and the “Pole of Ascension.”  There are 81 ribs, representing the 9-times-9 pillars which hold the heavens apart from the earth.  The ‘mother tree’ points to the North Star, figuratively of course.  So, at the top of the ‘Tree of Life’ sits the ‘Star’.  (Where have I seen that before?)  While each human’s spirit has a home on a different star, the North Star is special.  It is metaphorically called the “Heart of the eagle” or the “Compassionate heart of purification”.  

[Parenthetically, I know that nowadays, in Mongolia, the gers are built with TWO poles (as pictured above); however, that's really irrelevant.]

The villagers gather in the shaman’s tent, having brought gifts of local wares and placing them under the “tree”.  In return for the gifts, the shaman undertakes a spiritual journey to the North Star with the help of some mushrooms on behalf of his benefactors-become-beneficiaries.  The villagers are laden with spiritual burdens, which span the gamut from grudges to guilt.  They want their “sins” to be cleansed from their souls.  The shaman acts as an intermediary between them and the Great Spirit of the steadfast, unmoving, unchanging, eternal North Star.  He takes the spirits of the unclean to the Heart of Purification where they are cleansed of all unrighteousness, then returned to Earth.  Then, the Tree of Life, or Mother Tree, shimmers with the light of each purified soul, reawakened to or renewed by the light of the North Star.

Truly fascinating stuff; is it not?

Chinese, Japanese, Korean
Winter Solstice Traditions

NOTE:  The Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans all celebrated the winter solstice anciently, but it has been almost completely forgotten by modern day people.

Culture >>>



Chinese Traditions

Japanese Traditions

Korean Traditions

Winter Solstice
DōngZhě ( 冬至 ) TōJi  ( 冬至 ) DongJi ( 동지 ) ( 冬至 )
Festival Name:
Tradition Name:
DongZhi Festival Yuzu Buro Ase
("Little New Year")
History: Officially became a holiday 206 B.C. ? Anciently, the Korean king would send tribute to the Chinese king at this time of year.
Traditions: *Visiting Temples for worship and prayer.
*Ancestor Veneration.
*Meat/Dumpling Preparation for New Year's celebration.
*Start counting the "Nines of Winter" (9 x 9 days 'till spring).
Citron Bath and...
Prayers for spiritual purification, good health, and prosperity.
* Gift-giving.
Traditional gifts were calendars and socks.
* Traditionally, all Koreans turn a year older on New Year's day, but even further back it was on winter solstice. NOTE:  As of 2023, S.Korea (Republic of Korea) changed the law; Koreans now change a year older on their birthday.
* Eating red-bean porridge.
Foods: Dumplings
(AKA:  Pot Stikers) &
Round balls of glutinous rice.
All foods with the "n" sound in their name. Red bean porridge
Sources: China Highlights


Realestatejapan Encyclopedia of Korean Folklore


Tibetan LoSar

LoSar means New Year.  According to the article I read on Wikipedia, it used to be on the Winter Solstice (but now it coincides with the Chinese Lunar New Year).  It was celebrated for 15 days, but the first three days were the most important.

One of the rituals associated with winter solstice (or LoSar) was going to a local spring and giving offerings and prayers of gratitude to the nagas (nature water spirits) for the water.

People in Tibet prepare for LoSar days in advance by cleaning the whole house and decorating with flowers and/or juniper branches.

Debts must be settled and quarrels resolved before the New Year.  New clothes are acquired as well.  All this is done in order to enter into the new year with everything "new," and clean, and fresh.  It's like getting a fresh start.

Source:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Losar






Middle Eastern Traditions
of Winter Solstice


Pakistani / Iranian Winter Solstice

There is a book by Patricia Montley entitled, “In Nature’s Honor: Myths and Rituals Celebrating the Earth”.  In it we learn that the Kalash people of Pakistan had a winter solstice festival called, “Chaomas”.  It was observed by lighting bonfires and conducting purification rituals.  In the same book we learn that the ancient Zoroastrians of modern day Iran celebrated Shabe-Yalda, or the sun’s birthday, by lighting huge bonfires to insure that the sun stay lit.





European Traditions
of Winter Solstice


Scandinavian Winter Solstice

The Yule Log

Let’s start with my personal favorite, the Yuletide, of the Scandinavian Tribes.  “Yule” seems to mean feasting, while “tide” means season.  The feasting began on the day of the death of the sun, December 22, accompanied by special prayers and rituals to “bring the sun back to life”.  On December 24, the eve of the rebirth of the sun, a “Yule log” is put on the fire is and supposed to be kept burning all night long, to ensure that the sun is re-lit and thus, reborn.


The myth goes like this: Balder’s mother, Frigga (which means "Love") had asked all the plants and animals of earth never to harm her son, Balder (who represents the sun in winter).  However, there was one plant that she overlooked; it was mistletoe, because it was so soft.  Frigga thought that mistletoe could never hurt her son.

Loki became jealous of Balder’s popularity and he was annoyed by the noise devoted to Balder’s praise.  So, he clandestinely disguised himself as an old hag and visited Balder’s mother.  Through their conversations, he found out that there was one and only one living thing on Earth that she had not made contract with not to harm her son.  Loki then made an arrow out of mistletoe; then, he (as a hag) gave the arrow to Hod (a blind god) to throw at Balder.  You see, the gods had gathered to throw/shoot objects at Balder as a show that nothing could hurt him.  Hod actually killed Balder, and Balder's spirit went to Hel (the afterlife).

Original drawing by C. Boyd Smith; slightly altered by me.

Three days later, after much mourning, Balder’s mother, Frigga sent her son, Hermod to to into Hel and rescue Balder.  After he did so, Frigga resurrected Balder.  Then, she made mistletoe promise to never harm another living thing.  This is why mistletoe is used as decoration at winter solstice time.  It is the symbol of peace and love and tranquility.

Learn more about Scandinavian Lore on Leon's Planet

Greek & Roman Winter Solstice

Image created by A.I. and Leon.
"Persephone in Winter and Summer"

HER NAME:  Both Persephone and Perseus were children of Zeus.  Neither of their names have been translated to my satisfaction.  Linguists agree that the names are related, but there is no cognate in the Greek language, and therefore, those names must come from a proto-Greek language or "borrowed" entirely from another language/culture that predated the Greek culture.  Yes, there are many speculations, but they don't make any sense.  For instance, it is thought that Pers comes from Proto-Indo-European (PIE) base word gwhen.  NO WAY!  How do you get Pers from gwhen?  Somebody is off their rocker.  Furthermore, gwhen means "to kill" or "slay".  Persephone never killed anyone and Perseus only killed bad guys, and only when absolutely necessary.

One theory is that the name Perse is related to the word "Persia".  But, linguists don't even know what that word means.  All they know is that it comes from the word Parsa (the name of the original people who settled in Persia).  Personally, I think that is a stretch, and I'm not buying it.

The best theory that I have read is the one that suggests that Persephone's name is related to the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) word "persebntih" which means "She who brings the light". (source).

HER APPEARANCE:  In ALL of the archaic paintings of Persephone, she is painted with light-colored hair, even though the Greeks all had black hair.  This tells me that the artists knew that she was a solar deity.  Most of the paintings had her dressed in white and blue (the colors of the sky during the daytime when the sun is out).  One painting had her wearing a golden dress.  Thus, I decided to depict her thusly, with golden hair and a golden dress.

HER STORY:  Persephone was the daughter of Zeus (Day) and Demeter (Agriculture).  She was the goddess of light.  Well, eventually she caught the eye of Hades, and one day he abducted her and carried her into the underworld (the underworld being also called Hades; the abode of the dead).  Perhaps it was so dark in the Underworld that he wanted her to "bring the light" to the Underworld.

When Demeter found out, she requested that Zeus rescue her and return to her rightful place in the heavens.  Zeus agreed, but only if she hadn't eaten any of the food in the Underworld.  Zeus sent Hermes to go rescue her.  Meantime, Hades had persuaded Persephone to have some pomegranate seeds.

After she was rescued, Zeus decreed that since she had eaten six seeds in the Underworld, she would have to spend six months of the year (Fall and Winter) in the underworld with Hades.

Well, Persephone is an avatar of Zeus' divine light--a veritable solar goddess, and while her story is not specifically about the winter solstice, her son Dionysus's story IS all about the winter solstice.  Read about Dionysus below.


Image created by A.I. and Leon.


  Greek Roman
Gods: Dionysus
Personification of the sun in fall-winter
Personification of the sun in fall-winter
Festival: Dionysus Festival Brumalia
Dates: November 25 - December 25 November 25 - December 25
Mythology: Dionysus dies every December 22nd (winter solstice) and is reborn three days later on December 25th.  Through his death, he sheds his blood and gives it to the grapes, which then is turned into wine.

Dionysus turns water into wine (figuratively).
Dionysus (sun) makes the grapes by sacrificing his own blood (which is water from the sky).
That's why Dionysus is associated with wine.
The Roman Bacchus is basically the same personification.

According to Wikipedia’s article on Bacchus, Bacchus was the god of communion between the living and the dead. He was also the great Liberator from life’s burdens through imbibing wine and making merry. However, Brumalia was not for worshipping Bacchus, but rather to worship the sol invictus, or invincible sun. On December 25, the sun was to show its invincibility by starting to “rise again” in the sky, basically to demonstrate its power over death. 
Traditions: The Dionysus Festival was celebrated for an entire month, but most especially on the evening of December 24th to herald the birthday of Dionysus (which was December 25th).  Imbibing wine and merry-making were prime sources of entertainment on that night. The eve of December 24 was particularly festive. Because of the same timing as that of Christmas, it is thought that the emperor Constantine changed the name of the festival from Brumalia to Christmas (as he was a Christian) and changed the meaning from sol invictus to Christ’s birth and ultimate triumph over sin and death. Christ also brought a message of purification through repentance and baptism, which I find to be an interesting correlation with many of the other winter solstice rituals.  
Sources: Wikipedia Wikipedia






American Aboriginal
Winter Solstice Traditions

[Note:  I don't like to call them Indians (as they have nothing to do with India) and I don't like to call them Native Americans (as I am a native American, but my ancestors came from Poland); So, I call them American Aborigines (the original Americans)].

Mowhawk Aborigines

Mohawk religious year begins after the first new moon following the winter solstice and “five nights of sleeping.” A ceremony of song, dance, food and prayer to the Creator is performed for the renewal of “medicine societies.”  

Source:  http://www.thecommunicator.org/052006/chiefporter.htm

Incan Aborigines

Inti Raymi: Incan Sun Festival” (by Nicholas Gill)

Cusco's largest celebration of the year, held every June 24, re-enacts the ancient Inca ceremony welcoming the winter solstice in Peru.

Inti Raymi is the Festival of the Sun, or Fiesta del Sol that continues an Inca tradition that dates back centuries. The Incas would hold an annual ceremony to celebrate the winter solstice. The name Inti Raymi is Quechua for new sun. In fact the festival is held entirely in Quechua, the language of the Incas, which is still spoken by millions of people throughout the Andes.

Although it is not what you would have found centuries ago here, it is a lively ceremony and you can at the very least get an idea of how things once were with this majestic Andean culture. There is music, drums, speeches, dances, and other rituals that are re-enacted by the ancestors of the Inca.

Held every June 24 amidst the colossal stone fort of Saqsayhuaman perched above the city, the event packs the crowds. Tickets are quite expensive for the better seats, although you can sit on the ground with the locals for near peanuts.


Hopi and Navajo Aborigines

The winter solstice marks a special storytelling time for native American communities. During that special literary season, they say, the sun is in the south corner of time.

Source:  http://parentseyes.arizona.edu/southcorner/introduction.html


Iroquois Aborigines

While Celtic peoples celebrated this special time [winter solstice] with feasts, some Native American tribes saw this unique celestial event in a different light. Among the Iroquois, it was a time of dreaming.

Rather than staying up all night to celebrate the dawn, the People of the Longhouse turned in early, to sleep, to dream.

As Mother Night reigned supreme, in dreaming they walked between the worlds of light and darkness, gathering great meaning from what The Great Mystery illuminated for them.

At first light, the entire tribe would gather and each tribal member -- men, women, to the smallest child -- would stand and relate what visions they saw on this special night.

The dreams would be discussed at length by the entire tribe for each vision's meaning -- for the individual, about the world, for the tribe.

Source:  http://healing.about.com/cs/uc_directory/a/wsolstice_ewing.htm  






African Traditions
of Winter Solstice

Egyptian Winter Solstice

Image created by A.I. and Leon.
"Aset (Isis)"

In ancient Egypt, there was the Feast of Aset (Isis), celebrated around the winter solstice.  Asar (Osiris) was killed by his jealous brother Set and resurrected by his wife Aset (Isis).  Osiris and Isis gave birth to Horus (the younger), who is the personification of the SUN!!!!

A little more background...

Nut [f] {a sky goddess} (personification of all things intangible)  -  [Compare Yin]
Geb [m] {an Earth god} (personification of all things tangible)  -  [Compare Yang]

Nut and Geb had five children...

Nut + Geb
The Intangible + The Tangible

(Horus the elder)
Set Nephthys
Life Love Light Chaos
Horus the Younger

The Sun


The 'Grim Reaper' of Egypt

The Feast of Aset seems to celebrate the fact that she resurrected her husband
and together they begat Horus (the sun).
It is the story of WINTER SOLSTICE!!!!





In conclusion, of all the winter solstice traditions that I have researched, the Mongolian one is by far the most fascinating to me.  I am so glad that I went to Mongolia; because had I not done so, I would not have come across that fascinating winter solstice tradition.  May we all join in the spirit of the Mongolian winter solstice tradition this year by purifying our hearts, by eliminating our grudges, by turning away from our guilt, and by leaving gifts of joy under the mother tree, which is humanity.  This is my wish and challenge to you.  May you have a happy winter solstice and may we leave the darkness behind us as the sun is resurrected once again.


Happy Winter Solstice, everyone!






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