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Homophones, Homonyms
and Heterophones
Homophones: Two (or more) words that sound the same, but
have different spellings
Homonyms: Two (or more) words that are spelled the same
& sound the same, but have different meanings.
Heterophones: Two (or more) words with the same
spelling, but different sounds and different meanings.
Disclaimer: some
of the homophones below only exist in American English, as American English has
fewer sounds than other Englishes.
Homophones |
ad (advertisement) |
add |
ate |
eight |
8 |
base |
bass |
be |
bee |
B |
ball |
bawl |
bean |
been (British pronunciation) |
bear |
bare |
beat |
beet |
bite |
byte |
blew |
blue |
boar |
bore |
bot |
bought |
bow /bau/ |
bough |
brain |
brane |
brake |
break |
bred |
bread |
by |
bye |
buy |
bi~ |
(measurement of weight of gemstones) |
(an edible root) |
(measurement of purity of gold) |
'cause (because) |
cous (cousin) |
cuz |
chew |
Choo, Choo! |
clause |
claws |
Claus |
coal |
Cole (name) |
cot |
caught |
Cyn (name) |
sin |
dear |
deer |
die |
dye |
do |
dew |
doo (doo doo) |
do (musical note) |
doe |
dough |
done |
Dunn (name) |
drew |
Drue (name) |
dug |
Doug (name) |
eight |
ate |
8 |
eye |
I |
aye |
fair |
fare |
feat |
feet |
fin |
Finn |
finish |
Finnish |
flea |
flee |
flew |
flu |
for |
four |
fore |
4 |
forest |
Forrest (name) |
gate |
gait |
Gee! |
G |
genes |
jeans |
gnat |
Nat (name; short for Nathan) |
gneiss |
nice |
grate |
great |
grease |
Greece |
hair |
hare |
hay |
hey |
heal |
heel |
hear |
here |
hi |
high |
hoe |
Ho! Ho! Ho! |
There's another "ho" but I'm not going to
mention that one. |
hole |
whole |
holy |
wholly |
hue |
Hugh |
hew |
knew |
new |
gnu |
knight |
night |
knot |
not |
know |
no |
lad |
lie |
lye |
loo |
lieu |
Lou |
Lu |
mad |
made |
maid |
main |
mane |
me |
mi (musical note) |
meat |
meet |
mete |
(microphone) |
Mike |
might |
mite |
moor |
more |
moat |
mote |
morning |
mourning |
nay |
neigh |
none |
nun |
pain |
pane |
Payne (name) |
pair |
pear |
pare |
pall |
Paul (name) |
patience |
patients |
pea |
pee |
peace |
piece |
peat |
Pete (name) |
pew |
Peeyoo! |
Peeyew! |
pie |
pi ( π
) |
plain |
plane |
pole |
poll |
poor |
pore |
pour |
pray |
prey |
queue |
cue |
Q |
rain |
reign |
rein |
ray |
re (musical note) |
red |
read (past tense) |
read (present tense) |
reed |
real |
reel |
reek |
wreak |
right |
rite |
write |
Wright (name) |
role |
roll |
rot |
wrought |
sad |
see |
sea |
C |
seen |
scene |
sew |
sow |
shoe |
shoo |
sign |
sine |
sight |
site |
slay |
sleigh |
sole |
soul |
some |
sum |
son |
sun |
sore |
soar |
stair |
stare |
stake |
steak |
steal |
steel |
talk |
tock (tick tock) |
tare |
tear |
tea |
tee |
T |
ti (musical note) |
tear |
tare |
there |
their |
they're |
to |
too |
two |
Tue |
toe |
tow |
~toon (cartoon) |
tune |
wait |
weight |
Waite (name) |
walk |
wok |
war |
wore |
waste |
waist |
we |
wii |
wee |
we'll |
wheel |
wear |
where |
ware |
weather |
whether |
which |
witch |
who |
Hoo! Hoo! |
why |
Y |
Woe |
Whoa |
won |
one |
wrote |
rote |
yoke |
yolk |
you |
ewe |
yew |
Homonyms |
Word |
Meaning 1 |
Meaning 2 |
Meaning 3 |
bark |
(n.) the outer covering of a tree |
(v.) to make a dog sound |
bear |
(n.) animal |
(v.) to carry |
(v.) to endure |
bore |
(v.) to make sb bored |
(v.) to make a hole |
(v.) past tense of bear |
bow /bou/ |
(n.) weapon used with arrows |
(n.) ornament made with ribbon |
bow /bau/ |
(n.) forward part of a boat |
(v.) to bend at the waist |
date |
(n.) day, month, year |
(n., v.) to go out with someone
romantically |
(n.) a kind of fruit |
fine |
(adj.) well |
(n., v.) a fee for violating the law |
(adj.) thin |
fly |
(n.) an insect |
(v.) to soar in the air (in the sky) |
(a.) when a baseball is hit high in the air, it is called
a "fly ball" |
lead /led/ |
(n.) a heavy, soft metal |
(n.) graphite in pencils |
light |
(n.) form of energy |
(n.) lamp |
(a.) not heavy |
mean |
(adj.) of low status |
(n.) average |
(adj.) unkind |
park |
(n.) recreational place |
(v.) to stop a vehicle |
Pat |
Proper name
(short for Patricia)
(short for Patrick) |
(v.) to lightly hit someone with palm of
hand, usually for sign of approval |
Ray |
Proper name (short for Raymond) |
(n.) a line of light |
right |
(n.) permission |
(a.) correct |
(a.) opposite of left |
rock |
(n.) a stone |
(v.) to move back and forth as if to
swing while still touching the ground |
(slang) a kind of music |
row |
(n.) a line of items |
(v.) to propel a boat with paddles |
sty |
(n.) a pen for pigs |
(n.) an infection on the eye |
Sue |
Proper noun (short for Susan) |
(v.) to take sb to court for money |
tie |
(n). necktie |
(v. & n.) to finish a race at the same time or
with the same score is called a tie. |
(v.) to make a knot |
Heterophones |
/diction/ |
Meaning |
/diction/ |
Meaning |
bass /b s/ |
a kind of fish |
bass /b s/ |
lower vibrational tones |
lead /leed/ or /li:d/ |
to show the way |
lead /led/ |
a heavy, soft metal |
Polish /poh-lish/ |
person from Poland |
polish /pah-lish/ |
shine |
read /reed/ or /ri:d/ |
to look at written language |
read /red/ |
past tense of read |
tear /teer/ or /ti:r/ |
a drop of eye fluid |
tear /tehr/ |
rip |
wind /wind/ |
breeze |
wind /waind/ |
turn |
| |

English |


Korean |

Mongolian |

Chinese |

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