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Myths about Learning English
In this case, "myth" means
1: Learning a second language is
전설: 두 번째 언어를 배우는 것이
Mito: Aprender un segundo
idioma es facil
Fact: Learning a second language is
a difficult and long process.
사실: 어렵고 오래 걸려요.
Realidad: Aprender un segundo idioma
es dificil y toma mucho tiempo.
Fact: There are no short-cuts, but one
can accelerate the process by knowing how the human mind works and how humans
사실: 지름길 없는데, 만약에
인간의 정신을 잘 아면 좀 더 빠르게 배울 수가 있습니다.
No existen atajos, pero uno puede acelerar el processo si sabe como funciona
la mente humana y como los seres humanos aprenden.
3: If one can speak well, one can
comprehend spoken language well.
전설: 만약에 [두 번째
언어를] 잘 말할 수가 있으면 잘 알아들을 수가 있다.
Si uno puede hablar bien, entonces puede entender bien lo que se habla.
Fact: Knowing the sound of the letters
and being able to pronounce them does not guarantee being able to understand
words in a sentence. Sometimes words are reduced. Sometimes
sounds of letters change in a word or sentence. And, sometimes words
are linked together, sounding like one word. (Intonation is very important
사실: 그냥 문자의 발음만 잘
아면, 문장에 알아듣기를 보증하지 않아요.
Conocer el sonido de las letras y ser capaz de pronunciarlas no garantiza
que uno pueda entender las palabras en una oracion. A veces las
palabras se reducen. A veces el sonido de las letras cambia en una
palabra u oracion. Y a veces las palabras se juntan sonando como una
sola palabra. (La entonacion es muy importante tambien).
4: Being able to understand spoken
language well guarantees being able to speak equally well.
전설: [두 번째 언어를] 잘
알아듣기가 잘 말하기를 보증하는 것 이다.
Ser capaz de entender bien el lenguaje hablado garantiza el ser capaz de
hablarlo igual de bien.
Fact: Most people can understand more
than they can speak. But, generally, being able to comprehend spoken
language does help immensely in speaking the language.
사실: 대부분 사람들은
말하기 보다 더 잘 알아듣는다. 그러나, 일반적으로 (보통에)
먼저 알아듣는 것은 말하는 것에 도움이 많이 됩니다.
La mayoria de la gente entiende mas de lo que habla. Pero,
generalmente, ser capaz de comprender el lenguaje hablado si ayuda mucho
para poder hablarlo.
5: English has no polite/rude
전설: 영어는 예의 바른/
버럿 없는 말이 없다.
Mito: El ingles no es un
lenguaje formal/informal.
Fact: English has many levels
of language ranging from less polite to more polite.
사실: 영어는 많은 'level' 이
En ingles existen muchos niveles de formalidad.
1. Give me a piece of paper.
2. I want you to give me a piece of paper.
3. Will you give me a piece of paper?
4. Can you give me a piece of paper?
5. Would you give me a piece of paper?
6. Could you give me a piece of paper?
and each level can be made abundantly more polite by adding
"please". MORE Examples:
1. Give me a piece of paper, please.
2. I want you to give me a piece of paper, please.
3. Will you give me a piece of paper, please?
4. Can you give me a piece of paper, please?
5. Would you give me a piece of paper, please?
6. Could you give me a piece of paper, please?
and each level can be made slightly more polite by putting "please" at
the beginning.
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