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Why Prep?

CIPP English Exam Prep Page


"How can I help my child prepare for the CIPP exam?"

Dear Parents, 

     We (teachers) cannot do it without you (parents).  If your child does not have your support, encouragement, and belief, he/she will not succeed.  Studies have shown that the student needs certain things to succeed in school.  They are:

   -  Parents to encourage them to succeed,

   -  A DESIRE to succeed,

   -  Teachers to give them the skills to succeed,

   -  A school that gives an environment to succeed.

Guess which one is the most important.....

Studies in the U.S. have shown that parental support is the most important and significant factor in children's education.


What can you do?

1.  You can instill a BELIEF in your child that he/she CAN succeed.

2.  You can instill in your child a DESIRE to succeed.

3.  You can establish special homework times for your child to do CIPP homework.

4.  You can either spend time with your child, helping him/her with homework, OR hire a tutor to help him/her with homework.

5.  You can send your child to my website to study.

6.  You can encourage your child to memorize important vocabulary in each subject.

        Study Vocabulary through morphemes.

        Study Vocabulary through synonyms.

7.  You can have your child practice writing reports and stories in 25-30 minutes.  You child will get only 25 or 30 minutes to write, and it is 35-50% of your child's score on the CIPP exam.  (This is what I'm going to do with my son).

NOTE:  There are 2 English Tests on the CIPP examinations:

Paper 1:  Non-narrative Paper 2:  Narrative
Some non-narratives are:
- commentary
- response to a commentary
- chronological report (news)
- non-chronological report
 (which is about one topic)
- argument
- advertisement
- letter
- review
- biography/autobiography
ALL Narratives MUST HAVE all of these:  setting, characters, problem, solution/resolution, & ending

Some narratives are:


(story about "I")

Play Scripts

Total Test Time:  60 minutes

Time for Writing Section:  25 minutes

Percent of Score:  35%

Total Test Time:  60 minutes

Time for Writing Section:  30 minutes

Percent of Score:  50%



How to Prepare for the CIPP Exam
[for Pupils (Students)]

1.  Listen to your teachers: That means NO TALKING WITHOUT PERMISSION during the lessons.

Also, that means, pay attention!

2.  Do what your teachers say... That means:
     (1) do your BEST class work, and

     (2) do your BEST homework.

3.  Review past lessons... That means:  (1) go back and review all things taught/learned in the past, (2) memorize all new vocabulary, and (3) re-write your writings correctly. (i.e., Fix your mistakes).
4.  Study hard. That means: Do everything above, and study everything below.

Improve Your Writing!

Common Writing Errors:

Wrong Right Explanation
I like pizza.  But I don't like spaghetti. I like pizza, but I don't like spaghetti. Only professionals can break the rule, and sometimes they do.

RULE:  Never start a sentence with "But"!!!!

I like pizza, however I don't like spaghetti. I like pizza.  However, I don't like spaghetti. RULE:  The word "However" comes after a full stop (.) or a after a semi-colon (;).
I like pizza, however I don't like spaghetti. I like pizza; however, I don't like spaghetti.
I like pizza.  Because it is delicious. I like pizza, because it is delicious. RULE:  The word "Because" is used with an subordinate clause.  A subordinate clause can NOT be a sentence!
X I like pizza, so I eat it a lot.
X I like pizza.  So, I eat it a lot.
Me and my friend went to school. My friend and I went to school. RULE:  "Me" is not the subject of a sentence.  "I" is the subject pronoun.
I and my friend went to school. My friend and I went to school. RULE:  "I" is always last.
The mean boy hit me and my friend. The mean boy hit my friend and me. RULE:  "me" is always last.
The mean boy hit my friend and I. The mean boy hit my friend and me. RULE:  "I" is not the object.  "me" is the object pronoun.
He is cool. Justin Bieber is cool. RULE:  Never start writing with a pronoun, except "I", because the reader doesn't know who "he" or "it" is.
It is scary. The Mongolian death worm is scary.
There is dark. It is dark there. RULE:  "There is" = байх
There is cold. It is cold there.
There is scary. It is scary there.
X I have money. =
For me, there is money. =
There is money for me.
RULE:  Nadad (for me), moonk (money) baiga (there is). =

For me, there is money.

My father gathered some woods. My father gathered some wood. RULE: "wood" (non-count noun)  "Woods" = forest.
I will give the cipp exam. I will take the CIPP exam. [RULE:  Only a teacher can "give" an exam.]
[RULE:  Capitalize "CIPP".]
I will tomorrow eat purple rice. Tomorrow I will eat purple rice. RULE:  "Tomorrow" is a sentence adverb.  Therefore, it can only be at the beginning or ending of a sentence.
I will tomorrow eat purple rice. I will eat purple rice tomorrow.
I yesterday ate steak. Yesterday I ate steak. RULE: "Yesterday" is a sentence adverb.  Therefore, it can only be at the beginning or ending of a sentence.
I yesterday ate steak. I ate steak yesterday.
Someday i will get A in my english class. Someday I will get an "A" in my English class. RULE:  Always capitalize "I" in a sentence.
RULE:  Always capitalize languages.
I said I want to get an A in my English class. I said, "I want to get an 'A' in my English class." RULE:  Punctuation (,.) before speech marks (")!
Where can I get some cake? he asked. "Where can I get some cake?" he asked.
He replied, "you can get some cake in the cafeteria." He replied, "You can get some cake in the cafeteria."

RULE:  Always capitalize the first letter of a quotation.

[Imagine I'm starting a new paragraph]

The next day, I looked for footprints......

     The next day, I looked for footprints.... RULE:  You need to indent 5 spaces when starting a new paragraph.
Q:  When do you start a new paragraph in a story/recount/biography?

Wrong Answer:  When we start a new topic.

Right Answer:  When we change the time or place.  
Q:  When do you start a new paragraph in a report or commentary/review?

Wrong Answer:  When we change the time or place.

Right Answer:  When we change the topic.  

Active Voice & Passive Voice

Active Voice Passive Voice
1.  I eat pizza. Pizza is eaten by me.
2.  I ate pizza. Pizza was eaten by me.
3.  The dog ate the cat. The cat was eaten by the dog.
4.  You can always hear the boom boom boom of the bass. The boom boom boom of the bass can always be heard (by you).
5.  They built a dam. A dam was built (by them).
6.  The dam will let everyone have electricity. Everyone having electricity will be let by the dam.
7a.  Someone will give people better houses. People will be given better houses (by someone).
7b.  Someone will give better houses to people. Better houses will be given to people (by someone).
8  Ernest Michaux invented an improved bicycle. An improved bicycle was invented by Ernest Michaux.
9.  Someone captured some slaves in battle. Some slaves were captured in battle (by someone).
10.  Some slaves were part of a police force. X impossible X
[RULE: "Be" verb cannot change into passive voice.]
11.  Some slaves had difficult jobs. Difficult jobs were had by some slaves.
12.  ??? wrote this letter to explain how ??? broke the window. This letter was written to explain how the window was broken.
13.  By accident, ??? kicked a ball through the window. By accident, a ball was kicked through the window.
14.  ??? paid for the damage. The damage was paid for.
15.  ??? caught some fish in the open sea. Some fish were caught in the open sea.
16.  ??? tricked the fish into eating the hook. The fish were tricked into eating the hook.
17.  ??? pulled the fish onto the deck. The fish were pulled onto the deck.
18.  ??? killed the fish when their heads hit the wooden board on the deck of the ship. The fish were killed when their heads hit the wooden board of the deck of the ship.

(See my page about clauses)

If I eat mayonnaise, I will die in five seconds, which is a short time to die.
Subordinate clause, Main clause, Relative clause.
When I sleep, I like to sleep on my bed, which is soft and warm.
Subordinate clause, Main clause, Relative clause.
The thing, which I like to eat, is pizza, if it is available.
Main clause:  The thing is pizza.

Relative clause:  which I like to eat

Subordinate if it is available.  (AKA:  Conditional clause)

The thing that I like to eat is pizza, if it is available.
Main clause:  The thing is pizza.

Relative clause:  that I like to eat

Subordinate clause:  if it is available.  (AKA:  Conditional clause)

Classical music is real music, which is a pleasure to listen to.
Main clause, relative clause.
The villagers, who were very sad, looked at the new dam.
Main clause: The villagers looked at the new dam.

Relative clause:  who were very sad

When women began cycling, they had to choose their clothes more carefully.
Subordinate clause, main clause.
Although it was a long time ago I enjoyed studying the Ancient Greeks because they had good stories.
Subordinate clause + Main clause + Subordinate clause
People used clay pots, which were beautifully painted, to store oil.
Main clause:  People used clay pots to store oil.

Relative clause:  which were beautifully painted

In this game as with others in the series the realistic-looking animals behave like real animals.
Prepositional phrase:  In this game

Adverbial phrase:  as with others in the series

Main clause:  the realistic-looking animals behave like real animals.

Although I have enjoyed everything in school, the hockey team has become my family because I spend so much time with them.
Subordinate clause + Main clause + Subordinate clause
The fisherman was tired because he had been up since dawn.
Main clause + Subordinate clause
The fisherman was tired as he had been up since dawn.
Main clause + Subordinate clause

Apostrophes (')  Rules:

1.  1 thing (as possessive adj.):  ('s)

2.  2 or more things (as possessive adj.):  (s')

3.  2 or more things (w/ spelling change): ('s)

4.  It's = It is;  Its = possessive adj.

5.  Contractions (2 words together with letters missing):
is not = isn't  //  was not = wasn't  //  cannot = can't  //  it is = it's  //  they are = they're  //  you are = you're

I am = I'm  //  we are = we're  //  will not = won't  // were not = weren't  //  would not = wouldn't  //  could not = couldn't

Wrong !!!!! Correct Apostrophes Rule
I see one sheeps wool. I see one sheep's wool. 1
I see two sheeps wool. I see two sheeps' wool. 2
I have one girls books. I have one girl's books. 1
I have ten girls books. I have ten girls' books. 2
I love mens day. I love men's day. 3
I love womens day, too. I love women's day, too. 3
Children love childrens day. Children love children's day. 3
We all love workers day. We all love workers' day. 2
Teachers love teachers day. Teachers love teachers' day. 2
Mr. Leons lessons are cool. Mr. Leon's lessons are cool. 1
It is a cats tail. It is a cat's tail. 1 (a = 1)
It's Jennys pencil. It's Jenny's pencil. 1
It's all the girls responsibility. It's all the girls' responsibility. 2
All the boys jobs are important. All the boys' jobs are important. 2
Its its home. It's its home. 4
The suns light is warm. The sun's light is warm. 1
The moons light is reflected from the sun. The moon's light is reflected from the sun. 1
All the stars light is from light sources. All the stars' light is from light sources. 2
The universes boundaries are unknown. The universe's boundaries are unknown. 1
The peoples homes will all be destroyed... The people's homes will all be destroyed... 3
...and they wont ever be able to revisit their village. ...and they won't ever be able to revisit their village. 5
A horses head on a stick is a hobby horse. A horse's head on a stick is a hobby horse. 1
Womens long dresses were not practical for cycling. Women's long dresses were not practical for cycling. 3
In Ancient Greece, the childrens toys... In Ancient Greece, the children's toys... 3
...werent made of plastic. ...weren't made of plastic. 5









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