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Ancient Symbolism of...
Trees, Serpents, and Dragons!!!
[brought to you by Leon's Planet ©2000-present


Sefirot Nagas



Table of Contents:

I.      Sacred Trees (Tree of Life)

II.     Tree of Knowledge (in a few religions)

III.    Meanings of Tree of Life / Knowledge

IV.    GOOD Serpents / Dragons

V.     Heroes vs Dragons (This is Awesome!)

VI.    "The Cosmic Serpent" (by J. Narby)

VII.   Essays (by me about Serpents)




 Herein below, I shall show the Sacred Trees of the Ancients, in a kind-of alphabetical order.

This is a spoiler to what kind of stuff you'll find below.

Picture #1 Picture #2


Picture 1:  Celtic-style tree of life.  It's a buckle.  If you click on the pic, you can buy it.
My critique of the artwork:  I love it!  The craftsmanship is excellent, and the content is so intriguing.  It sheds light upon what is meant by the "tree of life".
Picture 2:  "Tree of Life" by Wolfish Dreams.  If you click on the pic, you can see the original.
My critique of the artwork:  I love that one as well!  Really gives you the right idea in perfect imagery and artistic skill.

A.  Archeo-Judaeo-Christian Tree of Life

According to the Judaeo-Christian Bible (hereafter referred to as JCB), the tree of life, was a tree, placed in a garden, the fruit of which if eaten would make one live forever.  I do not think that it is literal.  I think it was an allegory.  However, most Christians hold to the idea that it was a literal tree.  Someone once asked me, "Why can't it be both?"

I believe that the whole Garden-of-Eden story to be a symbol or metaphor of something esoteric, which shall become clearer and clearer as you continue to read.

There was also another tree, called "The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil."  Partaking of the fruit bestowed not only knowledge, but also mortality.  The picture below is of Eve about to partake of said fruit.  (Image created by A.I. and Leon).

image created by A.I. and Leon


A.  Assyrian Tree of Life, and...
B.  Babylonian Tree of Life

Picture is in the public domain.

One thing that I find interesting is that the God of the Assyrians was called "Ashur".  The Babylonians/Sumerians used the same symbol for their tree of life.  (See picture above).

Assyrian & Babylonian traditions regarding the tree of life are very similar to those of the Hebrews, which isn't surprising since Abraham (the great father of the Ishmaelites and Israelites) came from Ur of CHALDEES (which is also known as ancient Babylon/Sumeria).  The Hebrews, therefore, got some of their traditions from Babylon!  The Hebrews made some changes, of course.

PLEASE NOTICE:  each side of the tree has 14 branches.

In ancient middle eastern numerology, the number 14 (1 + 4) is the same as 5, which signifies immortality (eternal life).  Then, the tree culminates in a final 15th branch at the top.  15 (1+5) is the same as 6, which signifies creation and procreation.  (See my numerology page for details about Chaldean numerology).  Hence, I propose that the encrypted meaning of the tree of life is clear:  immortality is achieved through procreation.

Another VERY interesting thing is that the branches actually look like humans, holding hands, or arm in arm.


B. Buddhist Tree of Life

In a Mongolian Buddhist temple, (Yes, I lived in Mongolia.  See my blog.)  I saw a statue similar to (very similar to) the one pictured above.  I was not allowed to take photos.  The title of the statue was "Eternity".  It would appear that the Buddhists do not hide their doctrine behind symbols and metaphors.  Eternal life is NOT from eating an apple; it is from passing on one's genetic material to one's offspring.



C1. Celtic Tree of Life


 (Self-explanatory, is it not?)  I love how the Celts and Buddhists have the same view on eternity.


C2.  Chinese Tree of Life

FOREWORD: First of all, let us realize that China is now a huge country made up of 56 indigenous nationalities.  There are therefore, 56 different cosmological and creation myths in China.  And yet, not much is on the net.  This is what I could find:

According to Taoist Chinese Mythology, there was a sacred peach tree, the fruit of which, if eaten, would bestow immortality upon the partaker.  This is evident from the classic Chinese novel, A Journey to the West, wherein a character named Sun, Wu-kong (AKA: Son, O-gong) seeks out, finds, and partakes of the fruit of the tree.  The tree was guarded by a low-level god, (I forget his name); and Sun, Wu-kong had to trick the guardian of the tree in order to gain access to the tree.

Furthermore, an archaeological excavation unearthed a bronze tree in China.  The fruit of the tree were either coins or people.  I find this fascinating, because one of my theories is that the "tree of life" is a pedigree of human life (in essence:  a family "tree").


E.  Egyptian Tree of Life

Osiris is Green!

Photo is in the public domain.
Tree of Life
From Egypt:  Tomb of Sennedjem
Slightly altered by me for aesthetic and modesty purposes.


I had (in the past) written here that it would seem that this is "tree of life" is equated with Osiris (can't remember where I got that idea from), Osiris being the personification of the life force of all living things in the material universe.  (That's why he is green!  He represents life!)  However, I recently came across new information.  It would appear that the Tree of Life is personified by a female.  Osiris--male-- (as the personification of Life) would be closely related to the Tree of Life, but he is NOT the tree of life.

As aforementioned, Osiris represents the life force of the material universe, but the Tree of Life may represent a spiritual life, because in other depictions, the tree of life gives "life" to the spirits of the dead, and invigorates the spirits of the living as well.

If I'm right (and I think that I am), then Osiris (who gives life to physical bodies) is a "branch" of the Tree of Life, which gives life to both the living and the dead.



F.  Finnish Tree of Life

The sacred tree of the Finns was the Ash tree.  [See "N" ( for Norse) in order to find more information].

A Giant Ash Tree


G.  Greek Tree of Life

According to Greek Mythology, there was a sacred, golden apple tree.  When I first wrote this page (2003) I was under the impression that the fruit of the sacred golden apple tree, if eaten, would bestow immortality upon the partaker.  I now admit that I was mistaken.  Perhaps my misunderstanding came from the legend of the 12 labors of Hercules, the 11th of which was to retrieve an apple from the tree in Hera's Garden of Hesperides.  After Hercules completed his labors, he was granted immortality by the gods, by Zeus's decree.  Nowhere can I find out what was so special about the golden apples, except that the taste thereof was sweeter than any Earthly fruit to those who had pure souls and very bitter to those who had tainted souls.

Ladon guarding the Sacred Tree of Golden Apples
With the Daughters of Hesperides
(Image created by A.I. and Leon).

Hesperides (meaning:  "Evening")  [ source ]:  symbolizes the evening of life (the end of life) [source: me].

Ladon (meaning:  ???) is suggested to be the Greek version of the Middle Eastern Lotan (Levithan)  [ source ].  I'm not so sure that that is the case.  Also, Ladon is said to be the son of Typhon (the most evil, the most destructive of all monsters created by Gaia and Tartarus).  [Learn more about Typhon here.]  In history, dragons have typically either symbolized one of two things:  (1)  the cosmic sea of darkness (such as Tiamat), or (2) actual physical water (such as Leviathan);  both related to water.  Ladon does not seem to symbolize physical water, but he fits with the overall theme of the garden of evening.  Therefore, I do not agree that Ladon is the same as Leviathan, which clearly represents physical water.  (See my exposé on serpents and dragons below this section). 

The ladies who also guard and tend to the tree also fit the theme of the garden of evening.  Hesperides literally are the daughters of the evening; also called the "Nymphs of the West" (where the sun sets).  Hesperus (probably their brother) is the "Evening Star" (which is, of course, the planet Venus).

Depending upon the source, there were different numbers of ladies ranging from 3 to 4 to 7.  I will deal with the three original ladies.  They have questionable parentage, some calling them the "daughters of Atlas" (as in the Shazam movie); but I'm going with the most commonly accepted parentage, that being Nyx (female personification of Night) and Erebus (male personification of darkness); as it fits with the theme.  According to the one source that lists the parents as Nyx and Erebus, the three daughters are:

Aigle (brightness) [source].   She probably represents the stars.

Hespera (evening star).  She, like her brother, Hesperus, also represents Venus.

Aerica (air)  [source].  Interestingly, this is the only mention of Aerica anywhere.  She probably represents the night air.


Another daughter (nymph) mentioned in other sources is:

Erytheis (red one)  [source].   She probably represents the red sun.


So, what could the tree and the apples represent?  We are not directly told.  The similarity with the Hebrew Tree of Life is uncanny.  Both trees are guarded.  Both trees had a serpent around or nearby.  Both trees had similar fruit.  But the similarity ends there.  The Hebrew tree seems to bestow eternal life upon the partaker, while the Greek tree seems to be a kind of judgment at the end of life (the evening being a metaphor for death).  To the partaker who lived a good life, the fruit is the most sweet of all fruits.  To the partaker who lived a bad life, the fruit is bitter.

Furthermore, in ancient times, especially on the Asian continent, people believed that each star was a home to each spirit living on Earth.  The golden apples may represent the stars in the heavens, and the tree may represent the universe.

Something to keep in mind is that sometimes things get passed down from generation to generation and the original meaning is lost.  A tree with golden apples, guarded by a serpentine dragon is certainly a story worth telling, but the original symbolism may have been lost over time.  That's why we need to speculate, and use our own discernment.  The thing that I cannot understand is why the tree needs to be guarded?  Maybe it's just guarded from the living by a dragon that represents darkness (which represents death).  My thinking is that we will all be given an apple when we die.  Do you dare take a bite?  



H.  Hindu Tree of Life / Tree of Knowledge

Hindus (and possibly its offshoots: including Buddhism) revere two trees:

1. Peepal (Pippala) or Ashwattha Tree = as the Tree of Eternal Life.
[Interestingly, the roots reach into heaven and the branches spread out on earth.  Wow!  The Tree of Life in the Cabala is also said to be upside down, or so I've read].  

2. Bodhi Tree = Tree of Knowledge

[Buddha (Siddhattha Gautama) sat under a Bodhi Tree to gain his knowledge].

Me in front of a Bodhi Tree, Vietnam, 2010
Photo by Titus (my son).


M.N.  Mayan & Navajo Trees of Life

Mayan Tree of Life Navajo Tree(s) of Life

We see (in the Mayan and Navajo art) a maize (corn) plant standing for the tree of life, which seems appropriate since maize (or corn) was the staple food for the Mayan people.  The interesting thing to me is the humanoid figure in the center of the maize plant (tree of life).  Wow!  Could he/she/it be the great progenitor of the human race?  I don't know.  Another interesting thing is the personage on the left appears to be offering something to the rooster-like being on top of the tree.  I wonder what that represents.


N.  Norse Tree of Knowledge (my favorite!)

Wow!  This is so cool!

This stone (or 'stele') was found in Norse territory: (Sweden, Gotlands Fornsal, Visby.)

The World Tree
        The Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines Yggdrasil thusly:  "a huge ash tree in Norse mythology that overspreads the world and binds earth, hell, and heaven together ."  That might not be accurate.  Yggdrasil literally means: "Terrible Steed" and was the name of Odin's horse.  How the "World Tree" got to be associated with Odin's horse is mystery to me, unless there is a message there.  Perhaps there is!  Perhaps, the "World Tree" (better named "Universe Tree" or "Tree of the Cosmos") doubles as BOTH a link and a means of transportation from one realm to another, kind of like a "worm hole".
        To my knowledge (from extensive study) the Norse World Tree was never called a 'tree of life'; However, it was called 'Mimameidr' (Mimir's Tree).  Mimir was the personification of Knowledge; and so therefore, we can safely say that the sacred Norse World Tree is one of the few Trees of Knowledge.

The flat line across the center of the stele is Midgard.
I believe "Midgard" to be short for "Middle Garden".  That is the realm in which we humans currently reside.

The roots of the tree extend into the Asgard.
I believe "Asgard" to be short for "Aesirs' Garden".  That is the realm of gods (also called Godheim: 'Gods' Home'),  Midgard and Asgard are connected by a rainbow-bridge (called 'bifrost'), which only the gods can traverse.  Notice how Asgard is BELOW the roots of the the tree. 

Viking Ship         Things that make you go, "Hmmm..."  Perhaps the Stele was a grave marker, and the ship represented the journey to Valhalla, where all good warriors go.  Another  possibility is that the ship could represent the Vikings themselves, and the stele may have been erected to insure a successful journey.  However, if you want to know what I think it represents, please keep reading.
2 Serpents         Those historians who know nothing of esoteric wisdom, don't have a clue.  They have suggested that to two serpents could represent Jormungandr, the "World Serpent" (better named the "Cosmic Serpent").  However, I must vehemently disagree!!!!  Jormungandr was/ is a single serpent, which was so long as to encircle the whole world (universe) and was/is able to bite his own tail.  Yet, in the stele, there are two serpents of exactly the same size (representing equality in importance).  If one looks closely, the two serpents encase what appear to be some stylized gametes.  To me the symbolism is clear (and I think you will agree with me if you keep reading this page until its conclusion).  The serpent on the left represents the DNA of the male gametes (spermatozoa), and the serpent on the right represents the DNA of the female gametes (ova).
Sun Whorl         At the top, we have what is reportedly a Viking Sun Whorl, which some say represents the Sun's Energy and is reportedly a symbol used to attract riches.  If it is a stylized sun, it is the weirdest sun I have ever seen.  I mean since when do rays bend?  Parenthetically, maybe that's the whole point.  He who can bend the sun's rays, would be omnipotent.  However, I'm not convinced that it is a symbol of the sun at all.  It has 8 arms.  In the middle eastern numerology, the number 8 signified new beginnings (birth and/or rebirth).  Perhaps this stele was not erected (as mentioned above) for good luck as the Vikings commenced (began) a journey.  OR, perhaps it was symbol if fertility.  Who knows?  Right?
Egg & Sperm

        At the very top, one can see a spermatozoa heading toward an ovum.  Because of that, I am more convinced than ever that the stele was a fertility stele, probably associated with fertility rites.  Therefore, one must conclude that the ship at the bottom was NOT carrying the spirit of the dead, but the spirit(s) of the yet-to-be-born from Asgard to Midgard.

        My final conclusion is that the ancients knew a lot more than we give them credit for.  And this brings me to my next topic:  the symbolism of the names of the first two humans:  Ask and Embla.

Ask & Embla
(the first two humans of Norse mythology)

Foreword:  In Norse mythology, the first two humans were said to have been created from two trees; the first man's name was Ask and the first woman's name was Embla.  (I disagree that there were two trees involved;  just one.)

Research about "Ask":  I looked up the word 'ash' (the tree) in the Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, and found out that it comes from the Old High German word 'ask' and the Norse word 'askr'.

Conclusion:  ASK = ASH TREE (the tree of knowledge (AKA: carnal knowledge))

Resarch about "Embla":  The etymology of the woman's name is more elusive.  Some have suggested that it comes from the Old Norse word for elm: which is almr; and yet, I disagree.  I don't think that the two words 'Almr' and 'Embla' are close enough to be considered cognates; Hence, I'm not happy with that all-to-easily-acceptable explanation.  So, I search for some more likely cognates of 'Embla'.  This is what I found:

  • Emblem.  The English word emblem has a very interesting etymology.  According to the Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, its etymology is derived from: Middle English, from Latin emblema inlaid work, tesselated work, and from Greek emblema, literally, insertion, from emballein to throw in, put in, insert.

  • Emball.  Also, from the Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, we learn that the English word emball is a pure English word, which means to encircle.

  • Emma.  The name Emma, which is still widely used today in English-speaking countries, comes from the German language and means: all-containing.  [Source]  Wow!  Another source, states that Emma is from Latin (and both sites may be true) meaning: Entire (similar meaning!).

Final Conclusion:  If we think about it, Embla could very well be a cognate of  emblem and/or emball and/or Emma.  While the Ash-Ask connection is well supported by etymology, the Elm-Embla connection is not supported at all.  There are several variations to the Ask-Embla story circulating out there.  In none of the stories are were told the kind of trees (or logs) used to create the first two humans, except where the recounters of the stories have inserted their own opinions.  In all versions of the story, we are told that the first humans were named "Ask" and "Embla" after they were created.

If you ask me (ha, ha), I'd say that the word "Ask" is a metaphorical metonymy.

The metaphorical part:  ash tree = phallus.  The metonymy part:  phallus = man.

And what of Embla?  She was the all-container; her womb contained the entire human race! 

LEGAL NOTICE:  My research has led me to determine the possible etymology of "Embla".  I didn't take from anyone.  I didn't plagiarize.  You heard (read) it here first.  The above report is an original idea by Leon.
© 2006-present.
Please give credit where credit is due.



Q:  Qabbalah 

My original thought:  Tree = Book
I used to be convinced that 'tree' was a metonymy for a book, but I was wrong.

Then I thought:  Tree = human
I was convinced that "tree" was a metaphor for human. [Tree of Life = Man, Tree of Knowledge = Woman].

Then I thought:  Tree of Life = The Eternal Soul, Tree of Knowledge = The Human Body

But, what does the Qabbalah have to say on the subject?
[Note:  In Hebrew, the Qabbalah is in a book known as ZOHAR]

Here is ZOHAR's Tree of Life (w/ 10 sefirot)

  • No. 1 is called, "Crown" (top of the head)

  • No. 2 is called, "Wisdom" (right brain)

  • No. 3 is called, "Understanding" (left brain)

  • No. 4 is called, "Mercy" (right shoulder/arm)

  • No. 5 is called, "Justice" (left shoulder/arm)

  • No. 6 is called, "Beauty" (heart)

  • No. 7 is called, "Eternity" (right hand)

  • No. 8 is called, "Glory"  (left hand)

  • No. 9 is called, "Foundation" (groin)

  • No. 10 is called, "Kingdom of Heaven" (feet)

Well, if we accept the Qabbalah as the ultimate source of esoteric wisdom (and I'm not suggesting that you do), then we can conclude that either my second or third ideas are correct, or both!


This is NOT the end.  There's MORE!  Please keep reading. 


II.  The 3 Trees of Knowledge

Trees of "Knowledge" only exist in three religious branches:

1.  The 3 Abrahamic Religions (Islam, Judaism, Christianity), which  have basically the same cosmological story (said to be from Moses, but could be much older; probably from Mesopotamian origins (Sumerian Cuneiform Texts).  

2.  Hinduism/Buddhism: the Bodhi tree.   [Siddartha Gautama (Buddha) got the idea of sitting under a Bodhi Tree (which means Knowledge Tree), in order to gain knowledge.  And, as the story is recounted, Mr Gautama did gain enlightenment under a Bodhi Tree.]

3.  Norse Mythology: It has been referred to in various ways:  The World Tree,  or Tree of Mimameidr (Tree of Knowledge), and lastly known as: Yggdrasil (Terrible Steed; Odin's six-legged horse, and the fastest being in the universe).

III.  The NORSE "World Tree"

PICTURE: by Leon of Leon's Planet...

The "World Tree" is a metaphor for two things:  the macrocosm and the microcosm.

Macrocosm Microcosm
Asgard =     Wodin (Light & Wisdom)
                    Frigga (Love)
                    Thor (The day-to-day Sun)
                    Baldir (The Sun in Winter)
                    Viddar (The Sun in End-times)
                    Sif (The Moon)

Midgard =   The physical realm

Alfheim =     The light spiritual realm

Svartheim =  The dark spiritual realm

Nidavellir =    The realm of the microbes.

Niflheim =     The Ice Home, its king being Nidhogg (dreaded biter), a dragon which rules the realm.

Jotunheim =   The Ice-Giant Home.  (I think this represents matter in space; such as other planets).

Loki =  The personification of Entropy (his name was thought to mean 'wildfire' but is etymologically more closely related to 'deceiver').  He personifies all the chaos and destruction that happens in the universe.  His children are:

          (1)  Hel = personification of the afterlife, as she is the gatekeeper to the Underworld.
          (2)  Fenrir = a wolf that causes much destruction (which I believe represents the red sun).
          (3)  Jormungandr = a serpent big enough to encircle the entire Earth in darkness (which I believe represents night time and solar eclipses).

Muspelheim = Fire Home.  (Probably the center of the galaxy; and all centers of all galaxies for that matter).

Asgard =     Wodin (Light & Wisdom in the human body)
                    Frigga (Love in the human body)
                    Thor (Life during the day)
                    Baldir (Life during the winter)
                    Viddar (Life at the end; retirement)
                    Sif (Nightlife)

Midgard =   The physical realm (one's physical body)

Alfheim =     The light spiritual realm (superego)

Svartheim =  The dark spiritual realm (id)

Nidavellir =    The realm of the microbes (cause of illnesses)

Niflheim =     One's demons.

Jotunheim =   The physical world around us.

Loki =  The personification all the chaos in one's life.  His children are:

          (1)  Hel = death.
          (2)  Fenrir = natural disasters.
          (3)  Jormungandr = darkness.

Muspelheim = the burning of dead bodies on the pyre.

Nidhogg = the bacteria and worms that eat the body when it doesn't get a proper burning.



The World Tree has three roots (origins), each dipping into a different water source.  The first and deepest root dips into the Hvergilmir (Bubbling Spring) where all life originated.  It is in Niflheim (Ice Home).  The second root dips into Uthar's Brunn (Fate's Cauldron/Well).  The thrid root dips into the Mimir's Brunn (Knowledge's Cauldron/Well).  No one knows where that is located, except Mimir and Wodin.  [NOTE:  my recent studies have shown that Mimir was a Vanir, so it must have been in Vanaheim.]

At the base of the World Tree (i.e., the human body in the microcosm) there is a critter called Nidhogg (the dreaded biter).  Nidhogg is also referred to as a corpse eater.  I therefore believe Nidhogg to be a metonymy for all viruses and bacteria which try to destroy the World Tree (the human body).  It is written that when Mimir (Knowledge) ceases to tend the World Tree (by watering it), the World will come to an end, and Nidhogg will destroy the World Tree by devouring it.

There is an eagle in the top branches of the World Tree, with a hawk standing on its head.  It is suggested by The Viking Answer Lady that eagles were associated with dominance [my word].  They were birds of war and symbolized sovereignty [her word].  Clearly, the eagle, therefore, represents the human brain, which is the sovereign of the human body (world tree).  The hawk's meaning is not clear.  Odin was said to have two ravens, one named Memory and the other named Thought.  I, therefore, suggest that the hawk (which is black, by the way in the picture) may very well have the same symbolism as Odin's ravens; i.e., that The World Tree (humans) maintain self-sovereignty by mastering memory and thought.

There is a squirrel named Ratatosk which shimmies up and down the tree relaying insults between the eagle and Nidhogg.  This is very interesting.  I suggest that Ratatosk represents either (1) the nervous impulses which relay messages to and fro the brain; or (2) the body's immune system [but most like the former].

There are other animals on the World Tree as well, such as the four stags that eat from the leaves and bark of the World Tree.  These could represent benign (and possibly malignant) parasites, both exterior and interior (and let me tell you that there are many).

Another very interesting thing is called: Ragnarok (the end of the world).  There is a prophesy that the world will end by fire, created by the fire giants (sons of Muspell).  I say interesting because it was common in Ancient Norse (and Celtic) territories to cremate the bodies of the deceased and bury the charred bones and ashes.  See:  RAGNAROK

Many groups, especially in Sweden and further east, adhered to the old custom of cremating the body on a funeral pyre and then burying the fragments of bone, ash and charcoal, often in a simple clay vessel beneath a low mound.
Beowulf was cremated and then buried in the tradition of the Scandinavians at that time.  [Source: Beowulf Poem]

Late Iron Age (2300-1900 years ago)

In this period, inhumations with grave goods are again found. Men usually have swords, shields and sometimes spears, women have mirrors, and sometimes bronze bowls or beads.

There are three main types of burial in the south-east of England:

  1. The Aylesford-Swarling culture in Kent, Essex and Hertfordshire, dated 50 BC-43 AD, consists of urned cremation cemeteries. These include some elite burials with cremated bone in bronze-bound wooden buckets accompanied by vessels associated with wine-drinking and sometimes with amphorae and items of hearth furniture.
  2. Welwyn-type burials are similar, comprising burial of cremated bone in a pit with goods associated with feasting, personal equipment and other items such as gaming sets.
  3. Kingly burials, e.g. the Lexden tumulus in Colchester (c.15-10BC), contained imported luxury goods such as bronze furniture fittings, and iron chain mail with bronze and silver decoration. Most items were partially burnt.



IV.  Table of Good Serpents / Dragons







Chinese red dragon
(male sky dragon)
blue dragon
(female water dragon)
Aztec Quetzalcoatl
(Feathered serpent, twin of Xolotl and husband of Cihuacoatl)
(Female consort of Quetzalcoatl.  "Snake Woman" is her name.  She helped Quetzalcoatl create the human race.)
Mayan Xpiyacoc
(serpent-god; twin of Xmucane)
(serpent-god; twin of Xpiyacoc, definitely female)

"Xmucane" (image created by A.I. and Leon).
Hindu/Buddhist Vasuki
(King of the Nagas)
(Nagas are/were water serpents)
Manasa Devi
(Sister-Wife of Vasuki)
(a naga goddess)

"Manasa Devi" (image created by A.I. and Leon).
Egyptian Amon
(Male Serpent-god)
(Female Serpent Goddess; paired with Amon)

NOTE:  The serpents above were associated with creation (and procreation).  See article below for more information.


VI.  Article:  "The Cosmic Serpent"

HERE's an excerpt from
"The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge" 

by Jeremy Narby 

My research revealed that in the early 1960s, anthropologist Michael Harner had gone to the Peruvian Amazon to study the culture of the Conibo Indians. After a year or so he had made little headway in understanding their religious system when the Conibo told him that if he really wanted to learn, he had to drink ayahuasca. Harner accepted, not without fear, because the people had warned him that the experience was terrifying. The following evening, under the strict supervision of his indigenous friends, he drank the equivalent of a third of a bottle. After several minutes he found himself falling into a world of true hallucinations. 

He saw that his visions emanated from "giant reptilian creatures" resting at the lowest depths of his brain. These creatures began projecting scenes in front of his eyes. "First they showed me the planet Earth as it was eons ago, before there was any life on it. I saw an ocean, barren land, and a bright blue sky. Then black specks dropped from the sky by the hundreds and landed in front of me on the barren landscape. I could see the ‘specks’ were actually large, shiny, black creatures with stubby pterodactyl-like wings and huge whale-like bodies.... They explained to me in a kind of thought language that they were fleeing from something out in space. They had come to the planet Earth to escape their enemy. The creatures then showed me how they had created life on the planet in order to hide within the multitudinous forms and thus disguise their presence. Before me, the magnificence of plant and animal creation and speciation–hundreds of millions of years of activity–took place on a scale and with a vividness impossible to describe. I learned that the dragon-like creatures were thus inside all forms of life, including man." 

At this point in his account, Harner writes in a footnote at the bottom of the page: "In retrospect one could say they were almost like DNA, although at that time, 1961, I knew nothing of DNA." 

I had not paid attention to this footnote previously. There was indeed DNA inside the human brain, as well as in the outside world of plants, given that the molecule of life containing genetic information is the same for all species. DNA could thus be considered a source of information that is both external and internal–in other words, precisely what I had been trying to imagine. 

I plunged back into Harner’s book, but found no further mention of DNA. However, a few pages on, Harner notes that "dragon" and "serpent" are synonymous. This made me think that the double helix of DNA resembled, in its form, two entwined serpents. 

To find out, I picked up a book about a third ayahuasca-using people, entitled (in French) _Vision, Knowledge, Power: Shamanism Among the Yagua in the North-East of Peru_. In this study by Jean-Pierre Chaumeil (to my mind, one of the most rigorous on the subject), I found a "celestial serpent" in a drawing of the universe by a Yagua shaman. Then, a few pages away, another shaman is quoted as saying: "At the very beginning, before the birth of the earth, this earth here, our most distant ancestors lived on another earth...." Chaumeil adds that the Yagua consider that all living beings were created by twins, who are "the two central characters in Yagua cosmogonic thought." 

These correspondences seemed very strange, and I did not know what to make of them. Or rather, I could see an easy way of interpreting them, but it contradicted my understanding of reality: A Western anthropologist like Harner drinks a strong dose of ayahuasca with one people and gains access, in the middle of the twentieth century, to a world that informs the "mythological" concepts of other peoples and allows them to communicate with life-creating spirits of cosmic origin possibly linked to DNA. This seemed highly improbable to me, if not impossible. Still, I had decided to follow my approach through to its logical conclusion. So I casually penciled in the margin of Chaumeil’s text: "twins = DNA?" 

[skip... skip... skip...]

On the basis of this connection, I could now conceive of a neurological mechanism for my hypothesis. The molecules of nicotine or dimethyltryptamine, contained in ayahuasca, activate their respective receptors, which set off a cascade of electrochemical reactions inside the neurons, leading to the stimulation of DNA and, more particularly, to its emission of visible waves, which shamans perceive as "hallucinations." 

There, I thought, is the source of knowledge: DNA, living in water and emitting photons, like an aquatic dragon spitting fire. 



VII.  Tarot and Serpent Symbolism:

Tarot Card 6 (lovers)
notice the twins and serpent
+ =



FOREWORD:  Since I first started this page in the year 2000, I have learned so much.  Finally, I have come to understand what these gods/creatures actually represent (symbolically).


Culture The Sun Water
Hebrew BeHemoth LeviaThan
[female dragon]
Canaanite Bel-Hemmon


[female dragon]
Hittite Baal / Bel Rahab
(female dragon)
RE:  The above 3 pairs =
vs Water
AKA: The Water Cycle

I have come to understand that BeHemoth, Bel-Hemmon, and Bel are all the same entity, which is the sun.  They were called the Lord of the Weather, because the ancients somehow knew that the Sun was the powerhouse of all the weather.  And, verily, the Sun is the Lord of the weather!

LeviaThan, LoTan, and Rahab are the same entity, namely water.  In ancient cultures, dragons were often associated with water.  They were considered to be both good AND bad.  Too much water can flood and cause so much damage, but not enough water can cause drought.

The Sun can evaporate Leviathan, but then Leviathan "regroups" and condenses into great clouds, blocking out the sun.  Then, of course Leviathan precipitates and regroups again, in a different form.  This constant battle between BEHEMOTH and LEVIATHAN is the story of the water cycle that every child learns in elementary school!


RE:  The 4 Pairs Below =
vs Darkness

I have come to understand that dragons either symbolized water or darkness (the cosmic sea of space).  The four pairs below are Solar Deities versus Dragons of darkness.


Greek Apollo

The Sun.


I'm not sure yet if Python represented darkness or water.  I am leaning towards darkness.

& Tibetan
The Sun
Araatan Chutgur
(AKA:  "Arakho" the dragon)
This one definitely represented darkness.
Norse Thor (Sun)

Thor was carried in a chariot across the sky each day, drawn by two he-goats.


(World serpent that represents the cosmic sea of darkness; So big that it could encircle the Earth and still swallow its own tail.)


Solar Deity

(female dragon that represents the cosmic sea of darkness)

RE:  The above 4 pairs

The above 4 pairs are the Sun (the hero) versus the Dragon (of darkness).  The stories all say the same thing, that the Sun defeated the dragon (of darkness); but the dragons can win small battles here and there (they are called eclipses nowadays).

RE:  The 1 pair below =
Sun vs Something really evil
And, it's not water and it's not darkness

The Sun
(A very, very evil dragon)
The Last Dragon (Azi-Dahaka)...

is something really BAD!

(Hint:  not water; and not darkness)

Click here to find out what it represents.




VIII.  Leon's Essays on the Topic of Serpents

"Single Serpent vs. Double Serpent"

Single Serpent Double Serpent
Virus Human DNA

Humans are composed of two 'serpent-like' things, which we now refer to as 'DNA strands' in a "double helix".  Each strand makes (composes) 23 chromosomes (see number 23 in numerology).  The 23rd chromosome is the "sex" or "gender" chromosome (this is highly significant, and you'll see why if you see my numerology page).

One serpent (strand) comes from a male human (via spermatozoa), and one serpent (strand) comes from a female human (via ova).  Humans are therefore in essence double-serpent beings.

Yet, there is a life-form, consisting of only one serpent.  It is called a virus.  Viruses are single DNA strands, that reproduce by infecting double serpent bodies and "stealing" their DNA, in order to replicate, causing havoc for the double-serpent beings, sometimes even killing the double serpent beings.  [Parenthetically, I believe that MS is caused by a virus (single serpent) that has altered the DNA of lymphocytes, in essence reprogramming them to attack the myelin.  For more info, see my health page.]

Now, being "armed" with this new perspective or insight, it is expedient to read from Genesis:

And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.
And the LORD God said unto the
serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Serpents (snakes) are not all cursed, in fact some are liked very much.  But, all viruses are cursed.  And since the ancient Hebrews did not have a word for "virus", why not use "serpent" as a metaphor?

It is written, "dust shalt thou eat".  "Adam" means "dust" in the Hebrew language.  And since the humans were created of the dust of the earth, it means that the viruses would eat us:  HUMANS, i.e., the double-serpent beings!

It is written:  "...between thy seed and her seed".  Do viruses have "seed"?  Yes!  Like I mentioned above, viruses replicate (have seed) by stealing our DNA!

It is written:  [God speaking to the serpent] "...it [the seed of the woman] shall bruise thy head".  Do viruses have heads?  No.  So, this is clearly another metaphor.  The head is considered the most vital part of the body.  Without it, we die.  When we lose a limb, we most likely won't die (provided medical attention is given), but if we lose our head, no amount of medical attention will bring us back to life.  Thus, it means that the double-serpent beings would be able to KILL the single-serpent beings.

It is written:  [God speaking to the serpent] "...thou shalt bruise his [the seed of the woman's] heel."  Unlike the head, the heel is not a vital part of the body.  Thus it means that the single-serpent beings would only be able to do minimal damage to humans.

It should be known that most viruses do not kill.  HIV doesn't kill, either.  But, what it does is it attacks the immune system so that the double-serpent beings [humans] cannot fight other bacteria and viruses that attack the body.  It would seem that the single-serpent beings have found our "Achilles' heel"!!!

"The HINDU Serpent-DNA Connection"

Hindu religion is the oldest religion still remaining on this planet, and it has an interesting perspective on Serpent Symbolism.

In Hindu mythology (and Jainism and Buddhism) the naga is a serpent figure. As water gods, nagas inhabit the bottoms of rivers, lakes, and seas, in splendid, jewel-studded palaces ever alive with dancing and song. In temple architecture, nagas stand guard at the portals of shrines. In South India nagakals, stones decorated with a single serpent or an entwined serpent-pair, are set up as votive offerings by women desiring offspring.

"The GREEK Serpent-DNA Connection"

There is an interesting story in Greek mythology.  Evidently, Delphi (which means womb or navel) was the "center" of the world.  There was a huge dragon/serpent called "Python", which was the protectorate of "mother earth" (Gaia).  Python almost killed Apollo's mother (by making her sick with disease), and as a result Apollo (The Sun) killed the Python with his fiery arrows (rays of sunlight)

It is also fascinating to note that Aesculapius (the father of medicine), was the son of Apollo.  And Hygieia (the goddess of health) and Panaceia (goddess of healing) were the daughters of Aesculapius.

What we have here are 3 generations of healers!

I suggest that the Python was a virus, which almost killed Apollo's mother.  He eradicated the virus through an adept use of medical science.  Then, he passed his skills on to his son.

It is also interesting to note that Aesculapius was reported to carry a staff with a carving of a serpent coiled around it, like this:

Could it be that the hidden meaning of the
Staff of Aesculapius
 is triumph and/or dominion over the single serpent beings?  

I think so.

This should be true symbol of modern medicine (not the double serpents entwined around a staff).

The American Medical Association uses the correct symbol, which looks very similar to the one on the left.

Many medical/health care institutions use the symbol to the left (Caduceus) which is the staff of Hermes, the Greek god who was the messenger to humans (for the other gods).

Hermes was associated with athletics, so it would seem appropriate to use the symbol in sports medicine, but there was really no association of the symbol to medicine in ancient times.

 Now, compare these pictures of viruses to the Ancient Serpents:

This is the "Y" potato virus.  It could the two-headed serpent of many ancient religions/cultures.

This the "T4" virus.  Notice is has seven extremities.

It could the seven-headed Hydra of Greek mythology, which was eventually killed by Hercules and his nephew.

Interestingly, there is a seven-headed serpent (naga) of Buddhist lore.  It was forbidden to enter Buddhist temples, and statues thereof adorn the exterior of Buddhist temples, as protectors thereof.  Could it be that the statues served as a warning... that warning being that whoever enters here will be infected by a deadly virus?  And only special personages were allowed to enter such temples.  Could it be that those special personages had the antibodies to fight off said virus?  Things that make you go: "Hmmmm."  huh?

Also, interestingly, the seven or nine-headed Hydra was the protector of Hera's Golden Apple Tree.  Could it be that the fruit of the tree was infected with a deadly virus?


  Now, for my serpent/dragon dream...  

MY DREAM:  Winding Staircase, White Dragon

I don't exactly remember how the dream starts out.  I think I was lost.  Then, a dragon flew toward me.  From where the dragon came, I was unaware.  The dragon was the shape of an Oriental dragon, but white, all white.  It had no wings, and yet it could fly.  The dragon spoke to me, but whether it was vocal or telepathic, I really cannot remember.  I'm thinking it was more gesture-like in nature.  Meaning the dragon motioned for me to follow, which I did.  It led me up a winding staircase.  It seemed very steep, and very long.  The closer we came to the top, the narrower the staircase became.  When we came the the top, the dragon, being long and slender, easily squeezed through the small aperture.  I stopped.  I remember thinking, "This is too small and too difficult."  The dragon encouraged me to keep going.  Upon exiting the staircase, I stood in the heavens, with all the stars. [End]

P.S.  I do dream interpretation

I call that dream (of mine) "My Jacob's Dream", because of the similarities between my dream and Jacob's dream.  Also, our circumstances were very, very similar when we had our dreams.  In fact, after I had mine, I looked up Jacob's dream (never having read it before in my life), and was astonished at how similar the circumstance were that both led up to our dreams and which appeared in our dreams.



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