Foreword I LOVE TRUTH! MODERN-DAY SCIENCE IS REPLETE WITH WIMPS WHO SHUN THE TRUTH IN FAVOR OF THEIR RELIGION (Which is THEIR SO-CALLED "SCIENTIFIC" BELIEF SYSTEM). On the other hand, unbelievably to some, MYTHOLOGY CONTAINS A LOT OF TRUTH! AND I SHALL PROVE IT! Thesis Statement: Myth is Science in Metaphor What science is supposed to be vs. what it is The word "science" comes from the Greek meaning "knowledge". Basically, science presents our collective knowledge about nature and natural phenomena. But it is supposed to be more than that. Because there is so much that we don't know about nature, science is also supposed to be about attaining knowledge about nature through the scientific method. Unfortunately, nowadays, some scientists become so attached to their theories, that they reject any evidence that contradicts their theories. They are NOT true scientists, they are the "false prophets" spoken of in ancient verse (Book of Revelation). [Note: Not all scientists fall into this "false prophet" category. You have to use your God-given discernment to shift through and determine what is false and what is true]. What is mythology? How is it related to science? Mythology was the science of the ancients; and if it is interpreted correctly, will shed light upon how smart our ancestors really were. They knew many things that we have only begun to discover in the past 50 years, and possibly some things that we are still yet to discover. Take for instance the Mayan Calendar. It is more complex and more precise than anything we've every come up with. They knew more about the "heavens" than we do, or so it seems. I shall elucidate more below. The Mayan Calendar never claimed that 2012 would be the end of the world. It claims that it was the end of a cycle (and that cycle was somehow related to the sun; and we're now seeing the sun ramp up a lot!).
Why is the scientific method lacking? There is nothing lacking in the scientific method. It is sound
enough. However, WE are lacking in that we do not have the wherewithal to
conduct experiments sufficient to prove (or disprove) certain things. That
is to say, that with our level of technology, we lack the instruments to test
certain hypotheses. Why are Scientists almost always wrong? The thing is this: SCIENTISTS ARE ALMOST ALWAYS WRONG. They used to think that the world was flat. Well, that was proven wrong. They used to think that the sun went around the Earth. Well, that was proven wrong. They used to think that the atom was the smallest indivisible unit in the universe. Well, that was proven wrong. Why are they almost always wrong? They are almost always wrong because they make theories based upon observations (limited observations), then sometimes hold to those theories like religious beliefs. In my opinion, sometimes scientists will hold on to old-out-dated beliefs in fear of losing funding (or losing their job). When a scientist comes along with evidence that goes contrary to the popular notion in science, they are laughed at, ridiculed, and sometimes they lose their job. Why is that? Isn't science suppose to be the pursuit of TRUTH, wherever that truth may reside? Of course, the answer is a resounding YES! But, in reality, things don't work that way.
It's an Electric Universe! EXAMPLE OF HOW SCIENCE IS WRONG about the nature of the
universe. Take for instance the structure of the atom. In the "first ever photo" of a hydrogen atom (pictured down on this page), I don't see one proton! I see at least 12 minute focal points of energy in the nucleus. Wow!
Explanation: It makes perfect sense to me that there would be MORE mass and MORE charge in the nucleus of an atom. You see it's not as simple as having equal charges of static electricity. Why? Because, if I take one pole of a magnet (let's say it is positive) and the opposite pole of another magnet (let's say it is negative), then I gently, slowly move those two close enough, they will attract each other. BUT, if I move them by each other very rapidly, the magnetic force will not be strong enough to overcome the momentum. Therefore, I claim that science is WRONG about the nature of the atom. Scientists seem to think that is as simple as the charges balancing out. I say, "That's poppycock!" It defies the laws of Newtonian physics (the ones that apply, that is). A force strong enough to counteract the momentum of the electron whizzing around the nucleus thousands, perhaps millions of time per second, is NEEDED! M = v * m I see at least 12 bodies (possibly more that I cannot see exist) in the nucleus of the hydrogen atom, which science says has only 1 positive charge. This DOES NOT make sense, because it would take multiple positive charges in the nucleus to overcome the momentum of the electron zipping around the nucleus at very, very high rate of speed. As above, so below. The Sun has to be of a much greater mass than the Earth in order to keep the Earth in its orbit. I DO Believe in the "Electric Universe" theory. I believe that the charges are opposite of the atom. The nucleus of our solar system is a negative charge, and the Earth is a positive charge. And, I am not an astrophysicist, but I believe that the charges are related to gravity in some way. It think that gravity is related to the electro-magnetic forces of the universe. Unfortunately, I cannot prove it. I don't know the exact numbers (and I don't think science does either) so I couldn't possibly calculate the number of positive charges need to overcome the momentum of an electron. However, we CAN look at the solar system as a working model. The sun has a mass of approximately 1030 kilograms. The earth has a mass of approximately 6 x 1024 kilograms. The NASA fact sheet says that the ratio of Earths to Sun is 333,000 : 1. The ancients taught us: "As above, so below." So, the ratio of the mass of the nucleus to the mass of the electron should be 333,000 : 1 (Should it not?) Scientists keep inventing forces (such as so-called "strong force") to account for the atom staying intact. They don't even know what strong force is or how it is generated. They just invented it to keep their "model" of the atom. Notice: Science has known this since 2013, yet the textbooks haven't changed. More on the ATOM (below) (click here to get directly there). An Electric Universe I subscribe to the 'electric universe' theory for many many reasons. One reason is because it is the only one that explains why the Sun's sun spots are BLACK. If the conventional theory is correct that the sun's energy is created by the fission of hydrogen into helium (nuclear reactions), then why is the inside of the sun black? The inside of the sun is actually COOLER than the surface of the sun. Therefore, there must be some phenomenon other than nuclear fusion. More Details on Atomic Structure "As above, so below" (with a twist) The ancient "Hermetics" taught us "as above, so below". Why don't we listen? I'll tell you why we don't listen, because we can't believe that they were smarter than we are. What if the ancients were on to something? [We can speculate till the cows come home about HOW they came upon their knowledge (science), but that would do us no good]. Furthermore, how is it that we THINK we know more about the workings of an atom, than we do about our own solar system? [We actually DON'T KNOW what the atom is like; scientists have never actually see one, well not until 2013. On May 28, 2013, Fox News published the "first ever photograph inside an hydrogen atom". And does it look like the models we've all seen in our science classes? Not really.
As below, so above! Solar Systems = The Atom (with opposite polarity)
Explanation: This is Leon's Theory. "As above, so below," right? Yes and no. The solar system in it's basic design is the same as the design of the atom. However, the polarities are opposite! I can prove that the Earth is a giant proton. Lightning is electricity, right? Electricity is negatively charged, right? Where is lightning attracted? To Earth! That means that the Earth must be positively charged! The Earth must be a giant proton. According to Electric Universe Theory, which has been discussed by scientists for at least a century, the sun is a ball of plasma. Plasma is highly excited ions. The majority of those ions must be negatively charged, making the sun a giant electron. This fits into my theory about gravity also being electro-magnetic. Mainstream Science's Explanation of the Atom: The atom is described (by main-stream science) as having four forces that keep it together. They are as follows: (1) STRONG FORCE: which keeps the protons in the nucleus together, like a
"glue". Nobody can explain what, how, or why. It is merely
postulated that it must exist. There must be SOMETHING that keeps all
those positively charged particles from repelling each other. Nobody knows
what it is, but it must be there. (I know, crazy, huh?) [Possibly
the neutron is the "glue", but if so, the neutron must be the source
of the strong force, which is what exactly? Gravity?] LEON'S COMMENT: According to conventional science, the nucleus of the Hydrogen atom contains one proton with a single positive charge equal to the negative charge of the electron a minute fraction of it's size. THIS BOGGLES the MIND of any LOGICAL thinker. Where do they get those scientists anyways? I am no rocket scientist, but I know better. The photo above proves that I am right and conventional science is wrong. One can clearly see at least 12 spherical objects in the nucleus of the Hydrogen atom (and some may be hidden). What are those objects? I maintain that they are miniature suns. (As above so below). And my guess is that there are a lot more electrons (mini planets) going around those suns than merely one electron. And my educated guess is that the charge of a minute electron is NOT equal to the charge of a much bigger proton. (2) WEAK FORCE: is the hypothetical force which keeps the neutron from decaying into one proton and one electron. Okay, so, scientists found that the amount of mass in the nuclei of bigger atoms was MORE than the appropriate number of protons would account for, so what did they do? They invented neutrons. (Yeah, I know! "If the piece of the puzzle doesn't fit, we'll make our own piece of the puzzle and make it fit." Crazy, huh?) LEON'S COMMENT: Neutron? Has anyone actually ever seen a neutron? I don't think so. It's all hypothetical science. It's not hard science. It is non-science and some would go so far as to say it is non-sense. (3) GRAVITATIONAL FORCE: This is considered to be the weakest of all the forces working in the atom, but since Newton's Law of Gravitation claims that ALL objects attract ALL other objects (despite charge), then scientists had to put that in there, didn't they? LEON'S COMMENT: My model of the atom says that gravity IS electro-magnetism. More on that later. (4) ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE: This is the force that keeps the electrons in orbit around the proton-rich nucleus. (This is in addition to gravity, but stronger than gravity). LEON'S COMMENT: My model of the atom says that electo-magnetic force IS gravity; AND, there is ONLY gravity. HOWEVER, gravity (electro-magnetic force) is not constant, based upon mass alone; it is also based upon the type of matter (material). To further extrapolate, it boggles the mind that one could be so simple as to think that all protons and/or neutrons are composed of exactly the same matter and therefore exert exactly the same force (whatever that force may be). Basically, what I'm saying is that as complicated as the solar system is, so is the atom. Electro-magnetism We know that electricity can be made with magnets. We also know that electricity can make magnets! Clearly, there is an inherent relationship between electricity and magnetism. And, isn't it interesting that scientists call the LIGHT spectrum the "Electro-Magnetic Spectrum" ???? To further extrapolate, isn't it interesting that scientist acknowledge that matter is merely energy with a lower rate of vibration than energy? In essence, matter IS energy and energy IS matter. Haven't we proven that already?
Gravity The Gravity of the Situation [FOREWORD: It is clear to anyone who has researched this topic that by back-engineering downed alien spacecraft, Earth's scientists have discovered how to overcome gravity without thrust. It (as I understand it) merely a matter of frequency, and/or creating a magnetic field that is the opposite charge of the Earth. (Something like that). Pretty simple actually. So simple, in fact, that I'm surprised no one has discovered it yet; Or have they?!!!! Actually, they have. They're just not telling. (I have insider information on this fact).] There are a lot of theories that try to explain gravity, but the only one that makes sense is the theory that everything in the universe works on electro-magnetism. Even our bodies are held together by electro-magnetism. Since the time that I was introduced to the concept of gravity as a secondary student, I have wondered about the nature of gravity. We were told that science at that time had no idea what caused gravity. Thus, the ol' cog-wheels of my mind began turning. "What is gravity all about?" I wondered. Is it truly a constant in the universe? One day, as I was thusly pondering the nature of gravity, my limited understanding of the universe was not enough to formulate a very concrete opinion. Therefore, I asked "Source / Akashic Records" (whomever, whatever "It" is) to reveal to me the nature of gravity. If you believe in Source / Akashic Records, then you can accept the possibility that the inspiration came from that Source. Otherwise you must conclude that I alone came to the conclusion that since gravity acts like magnetism; therefore, gravity must be a kind of magnetism. As for me, it was divine inspiration. However, I did not fully understand the answer to my inquiry at the time. For, then, I thought, "Wait a minute? Only iron, cobalt and nickel have magnetic properties; and yet, ALL things fall to the ground (are attracted to mother Earth)." So, I put the whole idea of gravity being magnetism on the back burner for many, many years. It wasn't until recently (2013) that I have revisited the idea again; and now I understand the answer. Let me explain: What if magnetism is gravity (and gravity is magnetism), but some objects have MORE gravity (magnetic force) than others? If that is true, then either: (a) there is NO gravitational constant in the universe, or (b) the gravitational constant must account for BOTH mass AND material (for some materials are more magnetic than others). *** My idea would explain why ALL things are attracted to mother Earth. *** OBJECTION! "BUT LEON!" (you object), "Your idea cannot possibly be true, because Galileo proved that ALL objects fall to the Earth at the same rate of acceleration," you say. "If some objects are MORE magnetic than others, would not they fall faster?" you continue. My reply to above objection: Excellent questions! I have an explanation for that. All experiments, such as the one Galileo did on the leaning tower of Pisa, involve objects of picayune size AND mass in relation to the Earth. Therefore, the difference in acceleration would be SO negligible that it wouldn't even be perceptible. Let me explain further. Yes! To us, a tiny feather and a metallic ball are of significantly different mass. But, when compared to the Earth, that difference is negligible. Yes! I have seen experiments on Youtube of the feather and a metallic ball being dropped in a vacuum, and they appear to fall at the same rate of acceleration. (I say "appear to", but I noticed a slight difference in rate). Also, I have seen the experiment on the moon with the hammer and the falcon feather being dropped at the same time. While they appeared to fall at a fairly equal rate, the hammer did hit the ground before the feather. [Watch the video on YouTube]. Two problems to consider: (1) To most people's naked eye, and at normal speed, there may appear to be no difference in the rate of fall (although I swear I saw the hammer accelerate faster than the feather by just a hair. (2) the difference in mass of the hammer to feather may be negligible in relationship to the mass of the moon. Conclusion: I must conclude that the experiments are inconclusive, at best. The human eye is not a reliable tool for measurement in this case. I would like to see the hammer and feather dropped exactly simultaneously from a MUCH higher elevation on the moon before I conceded. HOW WOULD ANTI-GRAVITY WORK? Well, electricity works upon negative and positive charges. Since lightning (electricity from the clouds) is attracted to the Earth, and we know that electricity is negatively charged; Then, we can safely conclude that the Earth is a giant proton (And the Sun must be a giant electron). Therefore, if one could generate a strong enough positively charged field around one's vessel, it would be repelled by the Earth! All that they've have to do is somehow direct a beam (or multiple beams for stability) of positively charged plasma or energy toward the Earth and LIFT-OFF! Pretty simple concept. However, I imagine making such a vehicle wouldn't be so easy, 'cause I wouldn't have the first clue how to make a positively charged field/ energy beam. Angels and beings of light probably know how to create a positively charged field around themselves so as to appear "floating" in the air despite the fact that they have mass (as I have already proven with logic).
Mythology = Science In reality, there are FIVE (not four) states of matter. Let me explain. Science has proven (and I don't have time to give you the facts, but you can look it up on the internet), that matter can be transformed into energy and vice versa. I think that it is pretty safe to say that modern-day scientists are fully aware that matter IS energy and energy IS matter. [ That explains the dual properties of light: photon particle and wave (pulse) properties]. Theoretically, if one could slow down a photon, it would become matter. So, the 5 states of matter are: solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and energy. Many of the ancients already knew this thousands of years ago!
Source: Wikipedia's article on the Classical Elements Wow! The ancients knew more than we do, even now, because textbooks are still teaching 4 states of matter, instead of 5! (I personally subscribe to the 5-states of matter model, which I came up with by myself. I only use the ancients as confirmation of my "theory", which I now deem as "law".]
Turning Lead into Gold And if you read about the 5 elements (AKA: 5 states of matter) above, you will see that when the ancient Alchemists were trying to turn LEAD into GOLD, what they were really trying to do is change solid matter into spirit matter without having to die! And that's how you live forever--by becoming spirit! You see? The Alchemists were trying to cheat death, and of course that is impossible. What they didn't understand, of course, is that you don't have to cheat death, because we are already eternal beings and these mortal shells are merely temporary housings for our spirits. The Philosopher's Stone Now, Jay Weidner seems to think that he has found the so-called "Philosopher's Stone," out of which one can make the so-called "Elixir of Life;" and he may be right in the sense that he has found a substance that can prolong physical life, possibly even cure physical maladies; but I guarantee you that it won't make you live forever, unless you keep ingesting it (assuming he's right, of course). I am not opposed to such a substance being possibly concocted. In fact, I believe that that is how the so-called "gods" maintain everlasting life. HOWEVER, that said, I'm inclined to believe that what the ancient Alchemists actually meant was this... The Philosopher's Stone is a metaphor for something... I recently saw the movie As Above, So Below; wherein a young female archeologist searches for the philosopher's stone. After encountering many hardships and deterrents (many horrific in nature), she finally finds it--a mirror--and when she looks into the mirror, she sees herself. I think that that movie is right on! We are the philosopher's stone! And when we "die," we turn "lead" into "gold," or "physical matter" into "spirit matter". But WHY was this kept a secret? Why was it encrypted into hard-to-decipher metaphors? I'll tell you why. If it became common knowledge that we are all eternal beings, merely existing here in housings of flesh, then we the people would be impossible to control. And that is what the privileged elite want--they want to control us. The way that they control us is by keeping us in fear. By fearing death and hell, they can keep us under their control. In reality, there is nothing to fear in death. Death is but a door, and a rebirth into the spirit realm. It's like going home (as so many NDE-ers say). If we did not fear death, do you think that anybody would fear standing up for what is right in this world? If the politicians that are controlled behind the scenes did not fear death, do you think that they would take the bribes and/or threats on their lives seriously? No! They would do what is right, despite the possibility of death. Energy WHAT is an "energy wave" really? It took me a long time to realize that when scientists talk about "waves" of energy, they are really talking about a pulse of energy--a pulse that weakens and strengthens over a given time (frequency of the pulse). I was thrown off for many, many years by the term "wave", thinking of ocean waves. In reality, ocean waves are a totally different phenomenon with no relationship or similarity to actual energy pulses. If you think in terms of pulses of energy, it makes a lot more sense. Yes, sure, we depict those pulses in wave-form, but that is merely to show the amplitude of the pulse. PROOF THAT ENERGY DOES HAVE MASS Scientists now tell us that light can be bent due to gravity. (Google it). It's true. Scientists are saying that Newton must have been wrong, because light is affected by gravity and Newtonian physics says that light has no mass. [Remember that Newton said that the more the mass the stronger the force of gravity]. Newton explained Galileo's experiment by saying that there is an inverse relationship between the inertia that needs to be overcome by gravity and the force of gravity, in affect, canceling each other out and all objects are attracted at the same rate of acceleration. However, according to Newton's equations, 0 mass would mean 0 gravity. What if energy DOES have mass? It has to have mass!, but it is traveling at such fast speeds that it bears incredible amount of inertia. Thus, it would require at great amount of gravitational force to overcome that inertia, such as say....a black hole! (or a "singularity"). Whoa! Right? Energy has mass?????? Sure! Why not? If energy is merely matter at a higher rate of vibration (higher frequency), then it stands to reason that being the same thing, it must have the same properties (i.e., mass). An Experiment to prove that MATTER can be converted into ENERGY (and therefore ENERGY HAS MASS) Take a flame. It is a plasma right? The gas in a lighter, for example, has mass....quantifiable mass. If we created a closed system, wherein we lit a lighter. The gas is converted into a plasma, by the introduction of heat energy. As the plasma cools, it turns into smoke (another gas), and as the smoke cools, it turns into soot (a solid) on the sides, top, and perhaps even bottom of the container. If we measured the mass of the system before and after lighting the lighter, I'd bet we would see a difference. The system would have lost mass. Where did it go? It was converted into light and heat energy. This would prove that energy has mass. Also, I remember reading in my science book about radioactive decay and how some of the mass of the atoms were converted into gamma radiation. This PROVES without a shade of doubt that energy HAS mass, because mass cannot just dissipate into thin air. Mass is a constant in the universe. Mass cannot be created or destroyed. Now that I think about it, with all that we know (in science), how can scientists logically say that energy has no mass???? What Did The Ancients Say (About the atom and light)? Hindu Writings: Between the 5th and 3rd centuries BC, the atom (anu or aṇor) is mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 8, Verse 9): Translation: One meditates on the omniscient, primordial, the controller, smaller than the atom, yet the maintainer of everything; whose form is inconceivable, resplendent like the sun and totally transcendental to material nature. Islamic Writings: "He is the Knower of the Unseen, Whom not an atom's weight eludes, either in the heavens or in the earth; nor is there anything smaller or larger than that which is not in a Clear Book." (Qur'an, 34:3) "Not even an atom's weight eludes your Lord, either on earth or in heaven. Nor is there anything smaller than that, or larger, which is not in a Clear Book." (Qur'an, 10:61) Mormon (LDS) Writings: "He that ascended up on high, as also he descended below all things, in that he comprehended all things, that he might be in all and through all things, the light of truth; Which truth shineth. This is the light of Christ. As also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made. As also he is in the moon, and is the light of the moon, and the power thereof by which it was made; As also the light of the stars, and the power thereof by which they were made; And the earth also, and the power thereof, even the earth upon which you stand. And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings; Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space—The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things." (D&C 88:6-13) Hermetic Writings 1. T'is true without lying, certain & most true. Biblical Writings "This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that
God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." Conclusions (up to this point) "All things arose by one thing; The sun is it's father" (Hermetic writings).... That sounds like light to me. Light is the source of all things. God is light. Light is God. Therefore, God [light] created all things, including the atom and its subatomic particles. As above, so below. As in the solar system, so it is in the atom. I can't prove it with hard data, but I have proven it with logic: LEON'S PROOF of the "God Particle" Postulate: GOD is LIGHT (I John 1:5). 1. If GOD is LIGHT (I John 1:5) and if GOD is the creator of the physical universe (GENESIS), then LIGHT is the creator of the physical universe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2. If LIGHT is the creator of the physical universe, then the PHOTON is the "God particle" (and NOT the Higgs-Boson). 3. If the PHOTON is the "God particle", then all things are made of PHOTONS (all things = energy and matter). 4. If all things are made of PHOTONS, then all things must be also powered by PHOTONS. 5. If all things are powered by PHOTONS, then electro-magnetic energy must be of/from PHOTONS. 6. Furthermore, if all things are powered by PHOTONS, then gravitational force must be of/from PHOTONS as well. 7. If both electro-magnetic force and gravitational force have the same source, they could actually be the same form of energy. 8. If gravity is electro-magnetic force, then all things are magnetic (to some degree or another). Evidence (presented above) for my assertion that all things are magnetic (to one degree or another) is that not all magnets are equal (in the amount of force that they exert per unit of mass). But, also, those who've been delving into the science of anti-gravity, have been using electro-magnetic fields to counteract the force of gravity with some success. Take Berkhard Heim for example. He seemed to think that one could fight the proverbial fire with fire. Heim Theory suggests using electro-magnetic fields to overcome gravity. What Powers the Photon? (And hence, what powers the universe?) If the primal source of all that is, is a photon, then the photon must be it's own source of power, and in a certain way, that is correct. But, what if I told you that one could change the FREQUENCY of the photon? In effect, one could make the photon less "excited" or more "excited". What do I mean "more excited" or "less excited"? I mean that the frequency of the vibration of the photon can change. To a certain extent science has proven this. They have seen the quarks actually change color. Oops! I just introduced the word "color" without explaining. What does color have to do with frequency? Well, in the visible portion of the electro-magnetic spectrum, we have red (the lowest frequency), orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet (the highest frequency). These visible frequencies are harmless to the human body.
GOD is LOVE! "He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." (I John 4:8) "God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him." (I John 4:16) So, there you have it! If God is Light (I John 1:5) and If God is Love (I John 4:8,16), then we can safely conclude that the PHOTON is powered by or "excited by" (or increases its frequency by) LOVE! The lack of LOVE in a photon, therefore, means that the PHOTON has a low frequency (yellow, orange, red). The increase in LOVE in a photon, therefore, means that the PHOTON has a higher frequency (blue, indigo, violet) (Parenthetically, is it not interesting that more and more so-called "indigo" children are being born?) If we have LOVE (God) for our fellow humans, we fill our bodies with LIGHT (God), and the more LOVE we have the more LIGHT we have. It makes me wonder, "Can we change into beings of light?" The Bible says that we can....that our bodies will be changed (if we are the righteous), from corruptible to incorruptible (I take that to mean from mortal to immortal).
Heaven, Hell and Science! Why is HELL so HOT? Well, Hell, as we know is down in the LOWER FREQUENCY of VIBRATION (Radio Waves, Microwaves); and so, we have proof that HELL IS HOT after all, because we all know what happens when we put something in a microwave oven!
And, on the opposite side of the spectrum...
What is Heaven like? The Bible says that one day, the Earth will become "new". "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea." Although the Bible doesn't specifically or directly say so, there is evidence that the Earth may become as clear crystal. "And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God." (Rev. 15:2) You, see, there is no more sea (darkness), because all will become as glass (or clear, crystalline form of a finer matter). This brings me to my next point. It seems that we must raise our vibrations beyond violet, into the crystal realm, in order to "overcome" the physical body and enter into the "new Earth". Where are HEAVEN and HELL? Is Heaven "above" us? Is Hell "below" us? The answer to each questions is NO! Heaven is right here, and hell is right here. Heaven is a HIGHER frequency of existence (hence the term "above"). Hell is a LOWER frequency of existence (hence the term "below"). You don't even have to move to "ascend" into heaven or "descend" into hell. All you have to do is change your frequency of vibration. In many people's opinions, (including mine), Mother Earth is already increasing her frequency. Evidence for this is in the Schumann Resonance (measurable heartbeat of mother Earth).
Mythology = Science
Mythology = Science Now, I wish to move in a slightly new direction. I want to explain how mythology is actually science in metaphor. Foreword What do the ancient gods represent? The short answer: they are personifications of aspects of nature. Personification is a kind of metaphor. The long answer: (takes a long time to answer)...see below.
Note2: Get ready for a wonderful ride through the ancient myths of our super intelligent ancestors. Let it be known that over time, people may have recognized the deities as real beings, but that is NOT the fault of the people who originated the myths. Note3: I chose to start this encyclopedia with Mesopotamia, because that is where civilization started. Note4: Nin appears to be a non-gender title (Lord/Lady);
It's usually used to mean Lady, but can denote Lord as well.
********Learn a lot more about Mushussu******** Aspu + Tiamat =
********And, the gods procreate some more.******** Lahmu + Lahamu =
********And, some more begetting******** Anshar + Kishar = Enki , Mummu, & Enlil
Nanna [m] "Moon" + Ningal [f] "Lady-Great" =>
Gods of questionable origin (e.g., there is disagreement among sources at to parentage) - Ninurta [m] = "Lady of Heavy Rain" (but seems to be portrayed as a man). - Namtar [m] = "Fate" = God of fate and death; EreshKiGal's representative from the Underworld to the "Topside" or to Heaven.
THE GREEK GODS In the beginning, before the TITANS there were the PRIMORDIAL DEITIES. THE PRIMORDIAL DEITIES (m) = masculine, (f) = feminine
********And, some more begetting.******** Chronos + Ananke = (Compare Hebrew Cosmology: "And God divided the light from the darkness." Gen.1:4)
Note: Tartarus' parentage is somewhat vague. There is a school of thought that Tartarus was born of Chaos. I'm going with that school of thought.
********And, we get more begetting.******** GAIA (earth; solid matter) + URANUS
Note: possibly... Cronus = Agriculture... & Rhea = Irrigation NOTE: PROMETHEUS = [son of Iapetus (Piercer) & Clymene (an Oceanid)]
NOTE: ATLAS = [son of Iapetus (Celestial Pole; Celestial Axis) & Clymene (an
ZEUS (m) = personification of DAYLIGHT Hera (f) = personification of SEASONS; and, sister-wife of Zeus POSEIDON (m) = personification of the SEA (AKA: The waters) HADES (m) = personification of DARKNESS (AKA: The Underworld) Hestia (f) = personification of home and hearth Demeter (f) = De (Grain) + Meter (Mother) = [a solar deity, like Zeus] Chiron (m) (meaning?) = The original centaur; The first ever centaur.
I see interesting parallels with Hebrew mythology, thusly:
Note: We know that Behemoth is the animation (metaphor) of Lights But, now back to Greek Mythology (Science). Apparently, there were several "upsets" in the history of the universe (or at least of our solar system). Firstly, Cronus (Planet Saturn???) killed his father Uranus (Planet Uranus???) and became ruler in the Heavens (Sky). [Since Cronus is associated with the planet Saturn, Does that mean that the planet Saturn was at one time the "ruler" (brightest) in the sky? And, before that, was Uranus the "ruler" (brightest) in the sky?] Secondly, Zeus (Daylight or SUN) killed his father Cronus (Saturn) and became the ruler in the heavens (sky). We may never know for sure, but consider the very ancient Mongolian myth, handed down by word of mouth for who knows how long): One thing was can say for sure, is that the Greeks believed that there were at least TWO major upsets in the history of our solar system. The so-called "Olympians" rule in our current order. Let's discuss the Olympians. THE CHILDREN OF ZEUS (Daylight) Zeus was a busy god. He had over 100 children, but we are only interested in a few (9).
IMPORTANT: BLUE = GODS, RED = God + Mortal = Demigod I maintain that ALL of Zeus's children (at least all 9 above) are personifications of ASPECTS of HIMSELF! In other words; If Zeus represents the DAY (or SUN), and his children are merely ASPECTS of the SUN! Let me try to prove it. (1) Ares [Sun as Warrior] Ares was the god of war, and so I suggest that Ares is the aspect of the SUN as warrior [The SUN does lash out from time to time in the form of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and solar flares]. He also have been known to "kill" comets, asteroids, and other things in space. Also, let us note that war usually took place in the daytime, as it's hard to fight at night. (2) Persephone [Sun in Winter] Persephone was/is the goddess who was required by Zeus to spend 6 months of every year in Hades
(the Underworld = i.e., below the equator). (3) Apollo [Sun as Destroyer & Healer] It is commonly recognized that Apollo is a solar deity (no scholar of Greek mythology would deny it). Yet, his name literally means "Destroyer". Apollo is frequently depicted with a bow and arrow(s). His arrows, therefore, clearly represent the rays of the SUN. Furthermore, I suggest that what is meant is that Apollo is the sun as "destroyer of darkness" (as He destroyed Python (the evil serpentine dragon; which I think either represented either a virus or possibly darkness). One of the reasons I think Python could have been a virus, is because Apollo was a healer. Read more here. For more verification, please see table below:
COMMENTS Apollo apparently taught his son, Asclepius, all about healing (the art/science of medicine). So, I suggest that Apollo was the personification of the SUN as a DESTROYER of evil, sickness, and darkness. [Although, it is not inconceivable that too much of a good thing can be bad, for example sun burns and skin cancer can be caused by our would-be loving SUN].
(4) Aphrodite [Sun as Love] Aphrodite is commonly known as the goddess of LOVE. She is said to have risen out of the sea, from sea foam (as aphro means foam in Greek). It was the LOVE of the SUN, as CREATOR, that made it possible for all life to exist on this planet. Talk to any biologist and he/she will tell you that life originated from the sea. The SEA + SUN's LOVE was the recipe for life starting on this planet. Sea Foam is the evidence of minute, single-celled organisms, called cyano-bacteria that produce oxygen through photosynthesis, making it possible for all oxygen breathing life to exist on this planet. I think it is a pretty strong connection, don't you? (5) Dionysus [Sun as Savior] Dionysus's father was Zeus (an immortal god) and his mother was Semele (a mortal woman). Thus, as a mortal, he COULD DIE, and as a god, he could be RESURRECTED. Dionysus shed his own blood and gave it to the humans in the form of grapes (which was converted into wine). [Wine = Blood of God]. Ultimately, Dinoysus gave his life for all humankind on December 22 (Winter solstice), and was resurrected 3 days later on December 25 (when the sun begins to rise higher and higher in latitude). (6) Hermes [Sun as 'Thief in the night'] Hermes was the divine messenger. He delivered people to the underworld, usually at night, as most people died in their sleep at night. He was called the "Thief in the Night", because he would come and escort people's souls at night, and deliver them to the Underworld (which is where the sun was at night time). (7) Heracles/Hercules [Sun as Traveler through the Zodiac] Please notice that Hercules was given 12 labors and notice that there are 12 signs of the Zodiac. Each labor of Hercules represents the sun's passage through one sign of the zodiac, which takes approximately 2000 years. It is called 'precession of the equinoxes'. So, I present for your perusal, what I've come up with, on my own (No, thanks to anyone else). This is from MY own research. Please notice that the signs of 'precession' go in reverse order of the month signs. The reason is because of the reverse wobble of the Earth. PLEASE GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE: (I, Leon, came up with the following interpretation of the data).
POST NOTE: Yes, I got the idea of the 12 labors of Hercules representing the 12 signs of the zodiac, but he never said which was which. Moreover, I get on Santos Bonacci's* case a lot because he makes up etymologies for words that I doubt have any basis in reality, in effort to support his assertions. So, if you think that I'm stretching to support my assertion that the 12 labors of Hercules represent the passage through the twelve AGES, then I'm with you on that. Hence, please consider that the actual order of the labors, or the actual stories themselves may be irrelevant to the idea that there are 12 ages, through which the sun must pass to complete the "Great Year" (one 24,000-year reverse trip around the "circle in the sky" called the zodiac). *Santos Bonacci does a series of lectures on Astro-Theology (They can be found on YouTube). **I have a problem with some of his etymologies, such as his claim that the
name Solomon is Sol (sun) + Mon (moon). I highly doubt that. (8) Perseus [Sun as Vanquisher of Evil] As you probably know very well, Perseus killed Medusa and CETUS, the sea monster, to save humanity from the evil ambitions of Hades. Medusa is remarkably similar in appearance and character to the primordial demon/monster Echidna. Poseidon's sea monster is remarkably similar in appearance and character to the primordial demon/monster Typhon. I know that they are different, but the roles they play are remarkably similar. (9) Helen [as Beauty--as Sunset] Helen's adoptive mother was Leda (a mortal), but her real mother was Nemesis (The meter of justice and divine retribution). Helen's father was Zeus (Day). Helen means "Bright One". Nemesis was either the daughter of Oceanus (Cosmic Sea), or the daughter of Erebus (Darkness) & Nyx (Night), depending upon the version of the story (and the author). I'm going with her being the daughter of Darkness and Night. It really doesn't matter, because the Cosmic Sea is pitch black as well. I just like the imagery better. Nemesis did not want to mate with Zeus, so she fled in the form of a goose. [As the darkness flees from the DAY !!!]. Zeus changed himself into a swan and pursued Nemesis and succeeded to mate with her. Nemesis laid an egg and from that egg Helen was born. Helen's beauty was unmatched in the heavens (and the Earth); and it was renowned. She was reported to be so beautiful that every man wanted her. I think the metaphor is clear; so, I'm surprised I didn't see it before, because the most beautiful thing I have ever seen happens just as the DAY (Zeus) mates with the NIGHT.........is........a sunset!!!!!!
Scandinavian Myth = Science
This is my favorite mythology:
* NORSE MYTHOLOGY In the beginning, there were two realms, separated by a Great Gap.
IN THE BEGINNING... The heat from the fire home went up and melted the ice in the ice home, creating liquid and gas in the void between. Out of the ice a Jotun (Giant) begins to thaw out. His name was Ymir (meaning: "Groaner"). Clearly, Ymir was not your average ice giant. It was much bigger. Clearly, the "stuff" from which the universe was created was ALREADY in existence. This is in line with the first law of thermo-dynamics that matter/energy cannot be created or destroyed, but rather is eternal. From Ymir's armpits came two humanoid beings, one male and one female. From Ymir's legs came the Jotnar (ice giants) (a much smaller race of giants). [I think this represents nebulae and/or galaxies]. From the rime (melting ice) came a COSMIC COW named "Auđumbla". The etymology of "Authumbla" is unclear. It is thought that "auth" means "rich" and 'umbla" might mean cow. Ymir was nourished by the rivers of milk that flowed from the utter of Authumbla. This is perhaps the "Milky Way" which all the ancients metaphorically called a river of milk.
The COSMIC COW licked more of the ice and from it emerged a humanoid named Buri. Buri ("Producer" or "Creator") begat Borr ("Produced" or "Created"). Borr begat 3 sons: Vodin/Wodin (Wisdom), Vili/Wili (Will), and Ve/We (Way) [My translations] Alternative Translations are: (1) Vodin/Wodin = Inspiration (literally); Wodin gave Ask and Embla the breath of life, the life force (and as Wodin is the personification of Wisdom and Light, that makes perfect sense). (2) Vili/Wili = Free will; will-power; Cognition (3) Ve/We = The Way of Spirituality; or a spiritual VIEW (view being a possible cognate of Ve) I like my translation best. Not only do I consider the words to be cognates, but they encapsulate the essence of the words' meanings.
THE TWO FACTIONS OF GODS: AESIR & VANIR AESIR: Essence of Life gods "Aesir" is plural of "Aes". Etymology: Wikipedia's article on the Aesir gives the following information: Possible cognates: Proto-Indo-European word "h2ensus"
which means "life force". That's good enough for me. I accept that! Two sources verify what I have thought, and that is that the Aesir represent the life force (or consciousness) of humankind. The Aesir Pantheon includes: Vodin (Wisdom & Light), Vili (Will), Ve (Way), Frigga (Love), Thor (Thunder), and Baldr (Bright Ball). VANIR: Vanity (Fertility) gods "Vanir is the plural of "Van". Etymology: Want (Source: Online Etymology Dictionary) Possible cognates: Want (as in procreative desire; i.e., lust); Vanity You need to know that the VANIR were fertility gods/goddesses. AND SO, I think that the word "VANITY" is a much stronger candidate for being a cognate with VANIR. It comes from the Old Norse word Vanta. In the Vanir pantheon, we have the brother and sister twins: Freyr
("Lord") & Freya ("Lady"). War of the Gods There was a war between the Aesir and the Vanir. No one won. (Learn more here.)
Cute little Myth of Creation CHARACTERS: Ymir (the very first ice giant; biggest of them all) was the personification of the original glob of matter out in space that was frozen, but melted due to the fires of Muspelheim. The Etymology of Ymir: [either "Twin" or "Groaner"; I'm going with "Groaner" for three reasons: (1) Ymir has no twin. He is the first and only entity of Scandinavian Lore. (2) Ymir's body was divided up and the world was created from his parts. That certainly would have made Ymir groan. And, (3) All of the other Jotun (ice giants) have names that are sounds.] Source of Etymology. Vodin, Vili, and Ve: AKA: Wodin, Wili, and We; whom I translate as Wisdom, Will, and Way. Wodin = personification of LIGHT and WISDOM. He sacrificed his right (as pictured above) to Mimmir's Brunn (Wisdom's Well) in order to drink from the waters of wisdom and gain enlightenment. Wili = personification of will-power and free will. We = personification of the WAY of spirituality. THE PLOT Wisdom, Will, and Way killed Ymir and created the "world" from Ymir's parts. Ymir's blood became the waters (oceans, lakes, rivers, seas). Ymir's flesh became the earth (soil). Ymir's bones became the hills and mountains. Ymir's teeth became the rocks. Ymir's hair became the trees and other plants. Ymir's skull became the sky and his brain the clouds. BUT, that's not all. Wisdom, Will, and Way are accredited to the creation of humans as well. Wisdom gave the humans light and wisdom. This is also considered by some (including myself) to be the life force of the universe. Will gave the humans free will and will-power. Way gave the humans an innate desire to find their Way in life, through spirituality. He imbued humans with the age-old questions: Who am I? and Why am I here?
THE NINE REALMS The Nine Homes or Realms: (1) Midgard (Middle Garden) where humans reside [ The 3D Earth ] (2) Asgard (Aesirs' Garden) where the gods reside [ The mind; The intellect; The life force. ] (3) Vanaheim (Vanirs' Home) where fertility gods reside [ Carnality; Procreative drives; Fertility. ] (4) Jotunheim (Giants' Home) where the ice giants reside [ The Giants of the Universe; I think these are galaxies. ] (5) Alfheim (Elves' Home) where the Elves reside [ Angels. ] (6) Nithavellir (Dwarves' Home) where the Dwarves reside [ Personification of illness. ] (7) Svartalfaheim (Swarthy Elves' Home)Dwarves' Home) where the Dark Dwarves reside [ Personification of Industry. ] (8) Muspelheim (Fire Home) where Sutr and the son's of Muspel reside [ Personification of Energy and Plasma from the Sun and Stars ] (9) Niflheim (Ice Home) where Ymir and the COSMIC COW came from [ The elements, from which the whole 3D universe is composed. ] (10?) Hel (The Underworld) where the spirits of the death reside (all the dead, except the valiant warriors that die in battle; they go to Valhallah). Hel is loosely connected to the tree as part of Hel dips into Niflheim. Learn more here. COMMENTS: The 9 realms are NOT actual places, they are metaphors for elements and forces of the multiverse. Realms 8 & 9 are the basic (primal); as they existed first, before all else. Their interaction is what started creation. In Leon's Esoterics, the Scandinavian "World Tree" could represent a Human Being (as does the Cabala's Tree of Life). (I make a case for this somewhere down below; Keep scrolling down.)
A Triple METAPHOR??? It doesn't end there. The Norse mythology works on two levels: a microcosm and a macrocosm (as above, so below). Wodin = personification of Light and Wisdom Wodin and Frigga had 3 sons [suns]: Thor, Balder, and Vidarr, who are ALL avatars of Odin's Light and Frigga's Love: The SUN!!!
Loki Loki ("Deceiver") [Source of Etymology] was the orphaned child from the land of the naughty ice giants. He did have parents of course; his father was Farbauti ("Cruel Striker" or "Dangerous Hitter", which is understood to mean/represent "Lightning") and his mother was Laufey ("Full of Leaves" which is understood to mean "Tree"). The imagery is quite clear, is it not? Lightning strikes a tree and wildfire is born! And originally it was thought that Loki meant "wildfire", but I believe there may be a double entendre at play here. It may mean both "wildfire" and "deceiver". To me Loki is not just the personification of "wildfire". He is much more than that. He is a liar, a deceiver, a conniver, a destroyer, a wrecker, a flytter (source), a conspirator, and a murderer. Loki killed Baldr (the sun in winter) by using Hod (a blind god). The picture below shows the gods shooting and throwing things at Balder to prove that nothing could harm him, by decree of Frigga. Frigga made all things in the universe promise not to harm her radiant son, Baldr. But, there is one thing that she overlooked (or thought could never hurt her son); and that was mistletoe. Loki found this out through cunning and deceit. He fashioned an arrow out of mistletoe and disguised himself as an old hag, then gave the arrow to Hod to throw at Balder (for why should he miss out on all the fun?). Poor Hod was unknowingly the cause of Baldr's death. But, Loki was behind the whole scheme. Loki is considered a mischievous god by academics; but by me he is considered the personification of ENTROPY (and all things bad in the universe). His 3 most-famous children personify other specific aspects of bad things: Hel (Death), Jormungandr (Darkness), Fenrir (Destruction).
Being from Jotunheim (Ice-Giants' Home), we already know that Loki is naughty, because none of the so-called "ice giants" are amiable characters. In my opinion, Loki represents the continual effort of everything in the universe to move toward disorder (i.e., the scientific principle of entropy). Originally, my research told me that Loki had three children: Jormungandr
(cosmic serpent; representing darkness of the cosmos), Frenrir (cosmic wolf; a
real trouble-maker), Hel (keeper of the Underworld). Now, I understand
that he had six children... Loki's Children:
What does it all mean? It was the ancient's way of explaining science (through metaphor!) Firstly, one needs to understand that there are two ways of looking at mythology (at least Norse mythology). They are: (1) through the lens of the macrocosm, and (2) through the lens of a microcosm.
* Loki and his children What is the RAINBOW
BRIDGE? As you may know, the so-called "rainbow bridge" is what Norse mythology calls the link between our physical realm and the spiritual realm. We read that and we think, "Ahhh, what a cute bedtime story." But, what if it were true? [Not like in the movie "Thor", that movie is complete fiction.] I mean, "What if there were some kind of 'rainbow' phenomenon in the link between our two realms?" I was surprised to find (through years of research) that the rainbow is a part of many metaphysical philosophies in similar fashion. To learn about the rainbow bridge in the Bible, click here.
Persian Zoroastrianism Some people say that Zoroastrianism was the mother of ALL religion. Perhaps that is true. I don't know for sure. One thing is for sure, it predated all other religions that we still have on this planet. Zoroastrian Trinity:
Source: Theosophical Society
Zoroastrianism's Concept of Good vs. Evil:
The 7 Holy Ones of Zoroastrianism:
Source: Theosophical Society What about Mithra?
Another cool picture of Mithra
Zoroastrian End-of-the-World; Frashokereti ("Making Paradise") The Saoshyant ("The Great Benefactor"), a messianic figure, will bring about a resurrection of the dead in the bodies they had before they died. This is followed by a last judgment through ordeal. The
yazatas ("Venerable Ones") Airyaman
("Healer") and Atar ("Fire") will melt the metal in the hills and mountains, and the molten metal will then flow across the earth like a river. All mankind—both the living and the resurrected dead—will be required to wade through that river, but for the righteous
it will seem to be a river of warm milk, while the wicked will be burned. The river will then flow down to hell, where it will annihilate
Angra Mainyu
("The Dark Destroyer") and all evil in the universe. (Source: Wikipedia, Frashokereti)
COMMENTARY: A PATTERN EMERGES Do we see a pattern yet? It's the constant battle between Light (good) and Darkness (evil). And, nearly every philosophy speaks of an END to the battle. I admit that Greek mythology doesn't really speak of an end, except there is a prophecy of another what I call "upset" in the heavens, when Zeus will be overthrown. However, the NORSE and the ZOROASTRIANS gave similar predictions of the END. The Norse called it RAGNAROK, when the son's of Muspell (Fire Realm) will BURN the world with fire. The Zorastrians called it FRASHOKERETI, when the yazatas (Healer & Fire) will burn all the wicked with molten metal. Fire / Light triumphs over darkness / evil! The question is this: will it be a literal fire (such as a solar flare engulfing the Earth); or will it be a figurative fire. I don't know.
Hebrew Mythology
I love the Bible; and I am driven crazy because it has been so misinterpreted.
THE WATER CYCLE Both creatures are mentioned in Job 40-41. In the book of Noah, we learn that leviathan and behemoth are animations (personifications) of THE SUN and WATER. BEHEMOTH = THE SUN LEVIATHAN = WATER In the book of Job, behemoth is described as being "the chief of the ways of God." Well, if it is "chief", then it must represent Michael, and Michael represents the SUN!!! [Source for Michael being the personification of the sun] We learned in elementary school that the Sun is the powerhouse of the water cycle; AND, it is a behemoth! So, there is a constant war going on between Behemoth and Leviathan. (1) Evaporation = Behemoth (sun) defeating Leviathan
(water). - [Leviathan seems to disappear]. And the cycle starts all over.
My Sources: Holy Bible (King James Version) and Book of Noah (from Book of Enoch) (Book of Enoch, R.H.Charles, 1917) Learn about other beasts and monsters of the Bible.
Hebrew Rainbow Bridge In the last book of the Christian Bible, Revelation, we read a description of the City of God as seen by its author, St. John. "And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst." (Rev. 21:19-20)
NDEs & RAINBOW BRIDGES NDE's (or Near-Death Experiences) sometimes mention the rainbow bridge. I think many neglect to mention it because they may not think it is important. Not all NDE-experiencers experience the rainbow bridge, just as not all experience the tunnel, with a light at the end of the tunnel. Here are some NDE's that mention the rainbow bridge. "When the white had completely consumed me, the feeling of inertia ceased. I felt a peaceful stillness, suddenly all was black again. Next, I saw a Rainbow. An enormous Rainbow, the kind you would see in a children's book. I would describe it as a road, or a bridge. It was not an arc like you would usually picture one to be. At first it was far away, surrounded by blackness. As I slowly approached, it got larger. I felt incredibly attracted to it, almost like I knew I needed to get to it. I felt in all of my being "The answer lies over the rainbow". I was distinctly urged by another entity that I could not see, hear, or name...only feel...to 'Go over'." "One by one, all Beings reached the end of the tunnel, and we were drawn through a doorway of light into a rainbow of colors. I felt as though suspended in the aurora borealis. Specks of glitter attached themselves to the Beings ascending ahead of me, and their forms were bathed in an eerie glow. As I passed through the rainbow I too picked up extra sparkle only to discover that these glittering pulses of light were the souls of the pets we had loved during our lifetime. Their souls were in the rainbow waiting for us as we passed through this gateway of light." "I never felt any danger nor was I gasping for air as the water filled my lungs. I was at peace. The last time I glanced upward towards the surface I noticed that the light was different. This time the reflection from the sun was more like dancing colored lights performing for me. The lights resembled the colors of a rainbow and were forming some sort of a pattern above me. (by PMH Atwater) "In his NDE he talks about seeing an angel when he cried out for help after having 'died'. The angel appeared and he understood it to be his higher self - the soul. He was taken to a rainbow shimmering light through a tunnel or light-beam. Part of the 'beam' was going to the light and part of it was going from the light. As he was going up towards the light he sort of realized that this 'beam' going up was people dying at that time. The other side of the same light - 'the beam' going in the other direction were all the souls being reborn." "The water started filling up in the car and I started flying through this tunnel. It was a rainbow-colored tunnel. At the end of it there were two gates. I went through the gate on the right, and then I saw these flowers." (For more about NDEs, see my NDE page).
Mazzaroth = Cherubim = Precession
The Mazzaroth is basically a zodiac chart. BUT, there are five points of the mazzaroth that significant to the Hebrews for some reason. See... The Cherubim (as described in Ezekiel) have... In extra-biblical, esoteric Hebrew writings (such as the Talmud and the Qaballah), it is written that the cherubim were the chariot of God (who is depicted on the throne in the center of the mazzaroth). Ezekiel also describes seeing a wheel within a wheel. In the mazzaroth you can clearly see a wheel within a wheel. And the spinning of the wheel is... duh, duh, duh... The Precession of the Equinoxes! Now, science will tell you that a complete precession takes around 25,920 years and that it takes about 72 years to complete one degree (out of 360 degrees) of a precession. I believe that the 24 elders mentioned in the Book of Revelation, and the 24 stars on the mazzaroth represent 24,000 years for the wheel to complete one cycle. Scientists did not account for the red sun, which could speed up the process each time it comes around to perihelion with the bigger yellowish-white sun.
Hinduism / Buddhism I know that Hinduism and Buddhism are different. But, Buddhism has its roots in Hinduism. The Hindu Trimurti:
In Hinduism (and Buddhism) everything unfolds in cycles. The cycle of all that is (in the material/physical realm) is creation->preservation->destruction->creation->etc. There are other cycles as well, such as the yuga cycle, and the reincarnation cycle. What I find interesting is that ALL the ancient religions place a lot of importance upon the "Great Year" (24,ooo Year Cycle, also called the precession of the equinoxes, through the 12-signed zodiac in the sky (heavens)). Let's compare:
Hinduism's 12 articles of belief [ Source: The 12 beliefs of Hinduism ] (1) Hindus believe in One Supreme God whose nature is All-Pervasive, while also Transcending the universe. His functions are Creation, Preservation, Dissolution [Destruction]. MY COMMENTS: So, clearly, here the Hindus recognize that Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are all aspects of the same so-called "God". That means that the Hindu "God" is the personification of the grand cycle of creation->preservation->destruction.
MY COMMENTS: This is not dissimilar to my own experience, that there ARE
unseen beings who affect our lives. More on my metaphysics
page. MY COMMENTS: This is not dissimilar to other religions that all have their
"scriptures", but if God is merely a personification of nature, then
how can the scriptures be revealed by a personification? Something is
fishy there (and I'm saying that for ALL scriptures of ALL religions). MY COMMENTS: Although "mainstream science" is reluctant to acknowledge
the "soul", there is evidence, and some researchers/scientists are
beginning to acknowledge that "consciousness" is NOT limited to brain
function. The NDE is a
perfect example of this. MY COMMENTS: This has been interpreted by some to mean that the
"effect" comes in a future lifetime. But, actually, there are
many types of karma. MY COMMENTS: What the Hindus (and Buddhists) don't understand is that we
ALWAYS have moksha (freedom). We can choose whether to come back or
not. If we chose NOT to come back, we "damn" our own
progression. When on the other side, we know this. That's why every
one chooses to come back, except those who don't have to come back, because they
have progressed to the "next level" (whatever that is; some call them
'ascended masters'). MY COMMENTS: What is moksha? Is it the same
as the Buddhist
"nirvana"? I don't know for sure, but it sounds like the same
thing. However, what the Hindus and
Buddhists don't understand is that even those who have transcended this mortal
existence are trying to "evolve" or "progress" to a
"higher" level of existence. When does it end? I don't
think anybody knows. MY COMMENTS: no comment. MY COMMENTS: Is this really a belief? I see it as prudent to seek
guidance, but I have one caveat: humans tend to be fallible and
corruptible. It would seem better to me that one seek a "spirit
guide" or "guardian angel" instead of a fallible human.
Perhaps gurus have some value in giving basic guidance, but it ticks me off
when they charge money for their services. Jesus never charged money for
his services. In fact, he fed the masses that came to hear his message. MY COMMENT: Clearly the Buddhists in Myanmar don't believe in ahimsa. They are killing Muslims. MY COMMENT: See? I told you. MY COMMENTS: That's quite magnanimous. I know of no other religion
that is so generous (except Buddhism and Ba'hai). 108 (What does 108 mean?) In Hinduism and Buddhism the number 108 is a VERY sacred number. In BOTH Hinduism and Buddhism there are 108 beads on their necklaces, and people are supposed to recite mantras 108 times. However, ask any Hindu swami or Buddhist monk WHY the number is sacred, and they don't know. There has been a lot of speculation from many sources about the significance of the number. Some of them are are:
9 parts of the human body (Norse mythology; 9 realms of the "world tree"; see above). 12 ages (or signs of the Zodiac) when completed make a "Great Year" (24,000 years) [I'm not convinced that that is the reason that the number 108 is sacred, although it is a nice idea.]
The number 108 doesn't just appear in Hindu and Buddhist religions. 108 Lords of Tao So, Leon, what DOES 108 mean? Well, I did a whole video about that. Why don't you have a look/listen? It also explains the meaning of the numbers 144, and 216 (albeit you have to infer the meaning of 216).
The Silmarillion
The Silmarillion (by J.R.Tolkien) & The Science of Creation Silmarillion is a cosmology written by J.R.Tolkein, taken from ancient mythological stories, mostly of Northern Europe. It states that
in the beginning, there was a place called "Arda". Edu commanded the Ainu to sing. The universe and everything therein was created (organized) through sound vibrations (i.e., the songs of heaven). [Parenthetically, this fully in line with NDE experiences. Creation is still going via the songs of the angels and saints in heaven]. And thus began the "War in Heaven" which continues to this day, although Melkor has establish his own kingdom in the darkest realms of the universe.
Melkor was a great and powerful speaker and he convinced many of the Ainur to join his forces and follow him. SCIENCE of SOUND creating FORM in the UNIVERSE: CYMATICS Cymatics is a science that was re-discovered in the 1960s (I say, re-discovered, because the ancients knew full well). It very visibly demonstrates how sound creates shape/form/movement. The interesting thing is that some of the forms are in the form of standing waves (such one understands solid matter to be); and other forms are actually movements in circular motion, as in our galaxies, solar systems, atoms, etc. Here is a YouTube video about it. Very, very interesting!
Here (below) is a "still" from the video. It seems that one is looking at galaxies, but in fact you are looking at sand being subjected to high frequency sound.
And here is a link to another video about Cymatics. The higher the frequency of sound, the more complex the geometry produced. And, you can see how the universe works, through sound! Was the Silmarillion correct? Did God create the universe by the songs of the angels? FURTHERMORE...
Chinese Myth = Science According to ancient Chinese mythology there
were four creatures who created the universe. They were...
Further explanation: Scientifically speaking, human life could not exist without fire (heat), water, earth (dry land), and air. That's why those four creatures are highly revered in Chinese culture.
Mongolian Myth = Science
Mongolian Myth & 2nd Law of Thermodynamics The story goes on to when Ulgen created humans, perfect in form, and with the capability of rational thought AND IMMORTAL, like unto the gods. By this time, Ulgen was fully aware of his brother's plans to undo or destroy everything that he had created, so he created the dogs to protect the humans from Erlek. The dogs (man's best friends) would stand guard around the human encampments and warn the humans if any "evil" came to harm them. Erlek was extremely upset that Ulgen would create something IMMORTAL like the gods. However, being that his brother Ulgen had created dogs to protect the humans, he had to come up with a plan to get by the dogs. This is what Erlek did: Ulgen had created the dogs without hair, and they were very cold in the winter; so, Erlek offered to give the dogs coats of thick hair to keep them warm in the winter, in exchange for safe passage into the human encampment. The dogs were so cold, so they agreed, and Erlek passed into the human encampment. One version of the story is that Erlek then spat upon all the humans, infecting them with all kinds of bacteria and viruses. Another version of the story is that Erlek urinated on the humans. Either way, all manner of disease was introduced to the human world, and eventually death. Compare: The science of entropy (second law of thermodynamics) in mythological form:
Another Mongolian Myth:
Egyptian Myth &...
Nut + Geb =
Detailed Explanation:
Why Anthropomorphize Things? I do not believe that the ancients were ignorant of the fact that the anthropomorphizing of the sun (and other aspects of life and death) was just that: anthropomorphizing. Now, there is no doubt that they believed that there was a consciousness to each of those aspects, and that communication was possible. What better way to communicate than pretend that they are persons. Science is just now catching up to what the ancients already knew. With new physics (such as string theory, entanglement theory, and multi-dimensional physics), everything is connected on a metaphysical level (a level that scientists have yet to comprehend), but can be explained in the common vernacular as emotions. No one teaches this better than Mr Gregg Braden, who calls it the language of emotion. The Language of the World Have you read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho? In that great book, it is called 'the language of the world'. The language of the world is also described as love (an emotion). I'm sure that most people who read that book, think it is a metaphor; but it is not. It is clear to me that love is not merely a feeling, but also the "glue" that holds things together. And its opposites of fear and hate are the destroyers of things (causers of entropy). To put it another way, emotions are not merely feelings, but also forces--very powerful forces! Oh! If only the author of the "Sword in the Stone" only knew how true his words were when he put them into Merlin's mouth, "Love is the most powerful force in the world," and verily the universe. I maintain that it is the force that powers photons and electrons, that it is the force that holds atoms and solar systems together, that it is a healer! Aset (Love) was the force that healed Asar when he was dismembered by Set. The Problem With Scientists The problem with scientists is that they are looking for something in the physical realm. Something that they can see and/or measure. How do you measure an emotion? You cannot. You can only see and measure the results of its application. And some scientists have done so, but more needs to be done. Aset (Love) Of all the gods of the Egyptian pantheon, Aset is quite possibly the most important and the powerful. Is it any wonder then, that the Egyptians celebrated the Feast of Aset at winter solstice? RE: Hathor & Sekhmet There are two other female solar deities (in Egyptian mythology). But, they do not represent our big, yellow sun. They collectively represent our red sun. Their names are Hathor and Sehkmet! Learn more!
Taoism & Fibonacci From the Taoist classic Tao Te Ching, it was held that "The Tao produced One; One produced Two; Two produced Three; Three produced All things." [Source] There has been debate for centuries amongst taoists how this is possible. Then, around 1200 A.D. a man in Italy discovered a sequence of numbers, which today is name after that manj--Fibonacci Numbers. Although, he didn't know that he was solving one of the greatest Toaist riddles of all time, I think he did. You start with 1. So, the first two numbers of the sequence are: 1 and 1. Then, in order to get the third number of the sequence, you add the previous two numbers. And you get 2. So, the first three numbers of the sequence are: 1, 1, 2. And, so on. Here are the first 14 numbers of the sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, etc. So, now you can see how 1 makes 2, and 2 makes 3.
NOTE All of nature uses Fibonacci numbers. All creations in the universe use Fibonacci numbers. Example: Nautilus Shell
Sacred Numbers
Now, imagine that there is a pentagram inside the pentagon. You get an upside-down five-pointed star--the symbol of the Freemasons. Coincidence? I think not.
Possibly more to come later. I'm updating my website from time to time. If you enjoyed that read, perhaps you would enjoy my other related pages: NOT End of the World Prophecies (BUT, end of the world as we know it, for sure) Ancient Religious Symbolism (of the Sacred Trees, Serpents, and Dragons) The Secret behind The Secret (How to make it work for reals).
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