The Scientific and Spiritual Aspects of... Norse / Scandinavian Mythology!
I guess the best place to start is with Yggdrasil. Explanation of the picture: THE NAME: Yggdrasil Ygg (Terrible) drasil (steed) is the name of the
'World Tree' that connects the nine realms. Hel is not directly
connected. Some say that it is in Niflheim, but I disagree. Niflheim
is a realm that is only connected to Hell (I'll explain more when I discuss
Hel). Other sources place Hel
just outside of Niflheim, and so that's where I placed Hel on my picture. (But,
like I mentioned, Niflheim and Hell are connected). THE ROOTS: 3
ROOT #1: In Hevergelmir
One root reaches into the bubbling/boiling spring, called Hevergelmir. Hevergelmir is located in Niflheim (Ice Home). The spring obviously came to be because Muspelheim (Fire Home) is located just below Niflheim and Muspelheim melted much of Niflheim. Niflheim is home to a dragon called Nidhogg (or Nith-hogg). [Etymology: Nith (vile nether) + hogg (biter)] ...which is commonly translated as "Dreaded Biter". Nidhog gnaws at the root of the tree, but never destroys it. NOTE: The wikipedia article on Nidhogg teaches us that the word Nid / Nith was an old Norse insult, implying great social stigma. The wikipedia article on Nidavellir suggests that the word Nid /Nith implies the meaning of "down" "base" or what I call "nether". In fact, The Online Etymology Dictionary says that the word "nether" came from the Old Norse word "nithr". So, I believe that there is a double-entendre here. Nidhogg is both literally "down" below the world tree and figuratively "down" in that he is a base individual.
ROOT #2: In Urthar's Brunn
Another root reaches into Urthar's (Fate's) Brunn (well or srping). It is constantly attended by the three Norns (meaning unknown; possibly twiners; as in those who spin twine), who were the spinners of the threads of fate. The first norn is Urthar (Past/Fate). The second norm is Verdande (Present). And, the third norn is Skuld (Future). This well is said to reside in Jotunheim (Giant's Home). The Norns spin the threads of fate of all beings, and once a thread has been spun, it cannot be cut. The Norns also tend to the well-being of the tree itself.
ROOT #3: In Mimmir's Brunn
The last root reaches into Mimmir's (Knowledge's/Wisdom's) Brunn (Well or spring). Wodin paid Mimir his right eye in order to drink from Mimmir's spring in order to gain knowledge/wisdom. Mimmir is the personification of knowledge/wisdom. NOTE: Mimmir was originally a Vanir from Vanaheim, but was later recruited to the Aesir.
Midgard Mid (middle) Gard (garden) is where we live. Midgard is most likely planet Earth and all on/therein. Because it is called Middle Garden, I place it in the middle. Even though, our planet is certainly not in the middle of the universe, it is central to us, and therefore I accept it as the "middle garden".
Nidavellir / Nithavellir AKA: Myrkheim
Nithavellir is the home of the dwarves. It is also called Myrk (Murky) Heim (Home) [the etymology of Myrk is not known, but I feel that Murky is a good cognate, because the realm was dark and murky]. It is located below Midgard. Since all of the gods are personifications of various parts of the multiverse, I'm convinced that the dwarves are personifications as well. But, personifications of what? Hints: All of my sources agree that dwarfs were probably some kind of supernatural beings (but I'm not buying it). One source suggests that the word 'dwarf' may have etymologically come from the Sanskrit word dhvaras (devils). Which fits with the other clues that we have, such as living underground and being great miners. Another source suggests that the modern English word 'dizzy', and if you look up the etymology of the word 'dizzy', there is an uncanny similarity, which makes the word 'dizzy' a very possible cognate with 'dwarf' in my book. That is not to say that the dwarfs were dizzy, but that they made people dizzy with disease. And, in fact, many diseases were blamed on dwarfs in olden days. One disease that affects livestock that still exists today in Norway is called "dwarfshot'. In the Prose Edda, dwarfs originated as 'maggots' in the decaying flesh of Ymir, further attesting to their connection with disease. Perhaps that's it; perhaps dwarfs are the personification of disease and plague. Etymology: The word "Nid" (or "Nith" actually), is the same "Nid" in "Nidhogg". Nith is the origin of the modern word "nether". It literally means down-under, but also implies a connotation of being vile, base, dirty, and/or disgusting. This is another clue suggesting that Dwarfs were the old-world-word for "bacteria" ('cause bacteria came from the dirt).
Hel (Hell) (Hella)
THE DEEP DIVE (Into the depths of Hel): Hel was/is not a bad person, but because of her association to her father Loki, and her involvement in some of Loki's schemes, Wodin assigned her to be the ruler of the Underworld. She is described as a humanoid female with a skin tone that is pale blue. And she is described as always being sad. No reason is given for her sadness. But, we can surmise that it is because of her assignment. As for the place called "Hel," not much is known. There is one story about Hel that I can convey. When Balder was killed unknowingly by Hod through Loki's cunning (for full story, click here), Balder's spirit went to Hel. Frigga (the goddess of Love, and Balder's mother) sent Balder's brother Hermod to go to Hel and rescue Balder. Hermod borrowed Wodin's horse, Sleipnir, and traveled 9 nights past the gates of Hel, through total darkness before he found Balder. How he got past Hel is a mystery, but we can surmise that because Sleipnir is the fastest mode of transportation in the entire mutliverse, he must have been going so fast that Hel didn't even see him. When he found Balder, Balder was sitting upon a throne in Hel. So, obviously, Balder was not being treated well in Hel. Hel is not a place of torture in Scandinavian mythology. Well, not all of it, anyways. In fact, there is a place of torture in Scandinavian Lore for the really bad people when they die, especially those guilty of murder, adultery, and oath-breaking. It is called, Nastrond. Apparently, Nastrond is a part of Hel, but also a part of Niflheim. It looks like this... Muspel (Fire) Heim (Home) is just below Hel and Niflheim. In my opinion, the fires of Muspelheim are what cause the spring, Hevergelmir, to bubble and boil. Nidhogg is the king of serpent-like dragons which reside in Niflheim. Nidhogg and his serpentine demons torture those souls that go to Nastrond.
I cannot find the etymology of Nastrond, but my best guess is "Nasty Realm". The word "nasty" has origins in Scandinavian languages and connotates immoral uncleaness. So, I'm pretty sure that I'm right.
Asgard vs. Vanaheim Aesir's Garden vs Vanity's Home
Lessons from Loki
For instance, my favorite mythology (and I've studied them all) is that of the Norse/Scandinavians. Thor was NOT a god. He was the personification of the Sun. And his sister/wife Sif was the personification of the Moon. When Thor battles Jormungandr and loses, it is symbolic of a solar eclipse. When Loki sneaks in on Sif when she is sleeping and cuts off her golden hair, it is symbolic of a lunar eclipse. Wodin (cognate of Wisdom) is the personification of Wisdom and Light. His wife, Frigga, is the personification of Love. What can we glean from this? We can glean that the Sun was made out of Light and Love (as Thor is their son). And, as we NDErs all know, everything was made out of Light and Love. But, our ancestors knew it first. What about Loki? Well, Loki is the personification of entropy. He is constantly going about trying to undo or destroy the workings of the gods. He was NOT born of Wodin and Frigga, but came straight out of ??? (Nobody knows where). Some say that he was from Jotunheim (Ice-Giants' Home). But, that doesn't make sense, since the Jotun don't accept Loki as one of their own. It is more likely that Loki came out of Muspelheim (Fire Home), because in the End (Ragnarok), Loki rides with Muspel and the son's of Muspel to destroy the Aesirs (the Apex Gods). And, by some accounts, the word Loki might mean "Wildfire" (although more recent accounts say Loki probably means deceiver). With that newfound knowledge, i.e., that Loki means "deceiver"; I would have to change my mind on Loki's origins and say that he comes from none of the nine realms. The concept of entropy wasn't discovered until 1850, and yet the ancients knew of the law of entropy before even the advent of Christ. But, what can we glean from this spiritually? Spiritually speaking, we firstly must understand that there is a force in the multiverse, which aims at achieving equilibrium by "stealing" energy from that which is rich in energy and giving it to that which is bereft of energy. Have you ever noticed that when there is a malevolent ghost nearby, you suddenly feel very, very cold? That is because the malevolent ghost is stealing your energy, which you did not freely give. Have you ever noticed that so-called "psychic vampires" suck all the energy out of you? That's because they have a lack of energy of their own. And, why is that exactly? Because they lack love. Remember that we learned that it was the combination of LOVE & LIGHT (energy) that created the universe (out of raw materials that were pre-existent). Those who have the energy (in the form of matter), but lack the love to hold it together, crave energy, and therefore must "steal" it in order to maintain some semblance of "wholeness"; when all along they could "heal" themselves just by loving others. Several years ago I discovered (through meditation) that the so-called "God particle" is a photon filled with love. If it is just a photon, with no love, it will become cold and hard and inert. But, if that photon is filled with love, it will be eternal, so long as it continues to be filled with love. LOKI, therefore, represents LACK. (i.e., lack of love). That lack of love is destructive and returns everything back into inert equilibrium. Jotunheim
Jotun (Ice Giant) Heim (Home) is the realm of the ice giants, which I think personify the chunks of frozen matter floating about in space. They are the "playdough" with which solar systems and galaxies are made of. [Notice my "play" on words? Freyr wooed Gerther (a Jotun) to "play with" or "enjoy" her company. Freyr and Gerther had a son named Fjolnir. This is the dramatization of creation.
And if you liked that... I've got more for you... All of the mythologies and how they relate to science. The mythologies of the red sun in all ancient traditions. Leon's Encyclopedia Metaphysica. Fantastic Beasts of the Bible (and where to find them).
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