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Leon's Paranormal Page
(U.F.O., U.A.P., E.T.,
Cryptids = things like: Lake
Monsters / Sea Monsters, Bigfoot, and
This is Leon, the author of
this website.

Leon's UFO driver's license, valid to drive a UFO anywhere in
the United States.
Okay...that's a joke. But, this page is not a joke. I have done a
lot of research and this is what I've found out.
of Contents |
/ UAP / ET |
Cryptids |
Cryptids |
on Pic
to go directly there and learn about UFOs and UAP (Unidentified Aerial
Phenomena) |
on Pic
Lake Monsters, Sea Monsters,
& Mermaids |
on Pic
to go directly there and learn about Bigfoot, Chupacabra, and more. |
(...or just scroll down)
It's really ALL connected! Aliens,
angels, demons, interdimensional beings, etc.
Don't believe me! Well, just keep
reading, my friend. Disclosure is happening!
U.F.O. stands for
They are
real, but they are unidentified. That means we don't know what
they are. They DO exist, however, and I aim to provide some proof
on this page.
stands for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (a term used by the U.S.
E.T. stands for
['extra' means
outside, and 'terrestrial' means the earth. So extra-terrestrials
are beings from outside our earth's biosphere. I have categorized
three kinds of aliens: (1) angels, (2) mortals, and (3) demons].
is an unknown or "hidden" creature. There have been a
plethora of sighting of creatures, which are unknown and un-taxonomized
by human biologists. There is a lot of evidence that some of these
creatures may be native to our own planet. We
NOW have PHOTOgraphic evidence of some of these creatures!
The TRUTH is stranger than fiction.
Have fun learning the truth.
/ U.A.P. / E.T.
Section |
Taxonomy of...
Close Encounter
of the... |
Description of Close
Encounter |
...1st kind |
seeing a UFO, a spacecraft of some sort |
...2nd kind |
seeing and experiencing an affect from the UFO, like
radiation burns, electronic malfunctions, etc. |
...3rd kind |
seeing a UFO with occupants or just its occupants |
...4th kind |
being abducted by aliens; or being taken aboard their
craft; and sometimes having communication with the aliens |
...5th kind |
having communication with aliens; being a contactee (but
not on alien craft) |
...6th kind |
a death of a human/animal in association with UFO sighting |
...7th kind |
the production of a human-alien hybrid |
Source: |
Wikipedia |
Leon's Encounters
STORY #1: Close Encounter of the First Kind
Going chronologically, my first "Encounter" was an encounter of the first kind. I was a youth, probably around 12 or 13 years old. My family was camping in the mountains of California, and we had just lay down for the night under the stars. As I lay there, unable to sleep, I stared at the stars and wondered many things. How many stars are there? Do they also have planets going around them? Are there other humanoids living on those planets as well? How many of God's creations are there?
Suddenly, three "stars" began to move. First one, then another, then the third. They moved so fast. I knew that they weren't meteors, because meteors go in straight lines. These "stars" curved. And they disappear from sight.
I asked my siblings who were right next to me if any of them had seen what I had seen. They all said no. They wouldn't dare have called me crazy, because I was older and bigger than they, but I know that they were thinking it. My sister (the logical one) wasn't thinking that I was crazy. She thought that I was pulling her leg. 'Cause stars just don't move that way. And neither to meteors. |
STORY #2: Close Encounter of the Third Kind
It wasn't until 30 years later (in the spring of 2009) that I had my next encounter. It was an encounter of the third kind. I was living in Tarsus, Turkey, working at the Tarsus American International School (I have lots of stories about living in Tarsus!, but this one is perhaps the best). By this time, I had married a Korean woman (in Korea) and divorced, she leaving me with an infant son to raise on my own. Titus had grown to be in third grade and was attending the same school where-at I worked. It was my habit at the time that after I had gotten Titus to bed and cleaned up the kitchen, to have a night cap and cigarette. I have never in my life smoked in the house, and I never will. So, I drank in the house, and would
occasionaly go outside on the second-story porch for a cigarette.
One time, I did so. I went outside. It was well after midnight and everyone in the compound was asleep. I looked down as I lit my cigarette, and then looked up (as I usually do).
There, to my right, hovering silently above the street was a craft, not more than
40 (between 30-50) feet away from me. I saw the two occupants (and I know that there were only two, because there was only space for two occupants, as it was a small shuttle craft. The craft was saucer shaped, with the cockpit elevated and windows all around the cockpit, so that I could see right in. The cockpit remained stationary as the saucer section rotated silently around the cockpit.

"Shuttle Craft" Drawing by Leon of Leon's Planet.
Permission to copy granted, but please give credit where credit is due.
And, please link back to my site.
BUT, that's not what caught my attention at first. What caught my attention was that I was looking face to face with two
grays, who were looking right at me.
Now, grays are not known for their facial expressions and one might even wonder if they are capable of facial expressions. Well, I'm here to tell you that I saw surprise in their faces. They were just as surprised to see me as I was to see them.
After they got over their shock, they looked down at the controls, manipulated some levers or buttons or touch screens (whatever), and the saucer began to rotate more quickly and the craft silently and slowly moved out of my visual range (behind
a grove of tall cedar trees). I tried to chase it, but it was no use. It was gone.
I have some theories as to why me. At that time in my life I was very interested in Major Ed Dames and his remote viewing skills. I had begun just that year to experiment with some remote viewing of my own and I was pretty good at it. One night, as I was practicing my remote viewing in bed, something invisible came through the wall of my room closest to the street where I last saw the greys, and blasted me with some kind of device that did who knows what to me, but felt like someone had just fired an airgun at my head. It felt like I was blasted with a short, hard blast of air. Unfortunately for me, I don't think that it was just air.
Did I have missing time? I don't know. I didn't look at any clocks. Was that when I was tagged with the device in my back, which to this day causes me pain? I don't know. Did they try to erase my memory of the event and fail? I don't know. What I DO know is that my remote viewing skills became greatly reduced. It became harder for me to do remote viewing from that point forward, but I can still do it. in fact recently, I saw something with my third eye that is absolutely horrifying (and it could deal with our future), but that is a tale for another time.
STORY #3: Close Encounter of the First Kind
The next encounter was 4 years later (2012) while living in Ulanbaatar, Mongolia. Again, I lived on the second story, with a balcony, where I would go out at night and have a cigarette.
One summer night, at around 4am, I was on the balcony smoking, when from the South-East, flying directly towards me was an object. At first I thought it might be a plane or a helicopter, but it wasn't making any noise, AND there weren't flashing lights. Airplanes and helicopters use flashing lights when the are below a certain altitude.
I stared at it.
I watched it intensely.
I look at the sky a lot and am quite familiar with human-made aircraft. As the object got closer and closer, and I could make out its configuration, it became clear that this was no human-made craft. (The triangle ones are human-made). This was the shape of a spider with eight legs.
It had a big, round body, with eight spider-like, retracted legs.
Interesting! I'll bet you've never heard of that kind of UFO! I certainly haven't.
It flew right over me, not making a single sound, not varying in speed or direction. |
RE: UFO/ET Disclosure
Disclosure is happening!
(This is a history of
disclosure, worldwide)
Year/Month/Day |
Flag used (if avail). |
Note: All pics are posted with credits to sources
(and links to orgins), vis a vis the freedom of information act and fair
use act (for educational purposes. This is a non-profit
website. Actually, it's a losing-money venture, done out of love). |
Sources |
Ancient Sumeria
circa 6000 years ago |
Mesopotamia |

This picture is in the public domain. Link to origin -> |
Wikipedia |
Medieval Times
1100-1600A.D. |
Various (Europe) |
This website
has the best collection of ufos in Medieval artwork that I
have ever seen! Here's a sample:

The Baptism of Christ
Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, England
Painted in 1710 by Flemish artist Aert De Gelder |
Siriusly |
2004/05/11 |
Mexican Air Force pilots filmed
11 unidentified flying objects.

Picture is property of the Mexican Air Force but was released to the
public in 2004 or 2005.
CBS.com |
2007/03/22 |
France opens up its UFO files to
the public. |
2008/05/14 |
UK opens up its UFO files to the
public. |
2009/01/29 |
Denmark opens up its
UFO files to the public. |
2010/12/23 |
New Zealand opens up
its UFO files to the public. |
2011/04/11 |
FBI releases UFO
files to public. |
"The Vault"
2011/04/25 |
NSA releases UFO
files to public. |
2019/04/25 |
US Navy announces
guidelines for reporting UFOs. |
2019/05/22 |
Department of
Defense (DOD) finally
admits that it investigates UAPs. UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) =
Angels &
The Good |
The Bad |
The Ugly |
Pleiadians |
Reptilians |
Draco |

from Corey Goode
He's actually seen one. |
Allegedly, these are 5th density beings,
who look like us and want to help us evolve.
Source: Billy
Meier |
Allegedly, these are 4th density beings,
who look like humanoid lizards, and want to control us. Work for the Draco.
They feed off of our
negative (low-vibe) emotions. |
Allegedly, these are 4th density beings,
who look like albino lizards.
Control the reptilians and want to control us. They feed off of our
negative (low-vibe) emotions. |
PLEASE NOTE: There are many other species, but those (above)
are the major "players".
Here's a photograph of an alien that I call "Ezekiel's


Apparently, they are a worker-drone species that work for other species.
Of Heaven and Hell &
Aliens, Angels, and Demons!
NOTE: We humans in a 3D universe, which we also call the
3rd dimension, and ironically also called 3rd density. What we humans call
4th density (misnomered the '4th dimension') is what I call,
"Hell". The reptilians and draco, which live in the 4th density are what I call
"demons." 5th density is the first level of heaven. There
are seven levels of heaven (up to the eleventh density) [NOTE: Science is
now confirming that there are at least 11 dimensions]. Therefore, 5th
density beings (and higher) are what I call
"angels". The so-called "greys" are 3rd density beings
that appear to work for the 4th-density beings in the 3rd dimensional
universe. [Post Script: please note that the higher the number of
density/dimension, the less dense that realm actually is.]
In many NDE (Near-Death Experiences), where people die and
come back to tell us about what's on the "other side," many
people (not all) pass through a dark place, and then a tunnel/portal of light, in order to get
to "heaven". I believe that's because we must pass through 4th
density to get to 5th density. Some people get "stuck" in 4th
density because they have low vibrations (they vibrate at a low
frequency). One cannot move up to the higher densities, unless they
vibrate at a that frequency. In order to increase one's frequency, one
must express one or more of the following emotions: love, gratitude,
compassion, and/or joy. And, yes! Some people have seen aliens in
their NDEs.
more information on this topic, please see my NDE page.
Post Script
I don't remember where I got my photos from, exactly.
Probably some UFO website. They were obtained a long time ago.
Nowadays, I'm trying to be more respectful of other people's intellectual
property rights and copyrights. So, that's why there is a lack of pictures
on this site.
Would the producer of any of the pictures / photos on this
page please
contact me?
Lake Monsters, Sea Monsters &

Just click on the mermaid to see mermaids.
Merfolk |
Monsters |
Monsters |
Sirens of Greece |
Champ of Lake
Champlain |
Leviathan of Hebrew
mythology |
Nin-gyo of Japan |
Nessie of Loch Ness |
Cetus of Greek
mythology |
QaluPalik of Alaska |
North-shore Monster
of Great Salt Lake |
Kraken of Norway's
Legends |
Sahmeran of Turkey |
Ogopogo of Lake
Okanagan |
Mosasaur of Fossil
Record |
Nagas of India |
Tessie of Lake Tahoe |
Hook Island Monster |
Inkanyamba? |
Merfolk: Mermaids & Mermen
Mermaids/mermen are REAL!
BUT, they don't look like what the popular culture has
romanticized them to be.

AND, they aren't nice!
Herein below are some REAL captures of merfolk:
This is a still from a video shot by some
tourists at Kiryat Yam, Israel. The quality of the video isn't
great. They were up on a sea cliff looking way down below.
They spotted a creature laying on the rocks below. It had black
hair and pale skin (which matches other descriptions around the world in
ancient and modern times). You can watch the whole video here.
Note: This creature matches the description of a mermaid seen
by the famous sea-faring explorer Henry Hudson. |
This is a still from a video shot by
fishermen showing what they caught in their net. Not sure which
country the men were from, nor which sea they were in. You would
think that Animal Planet would give credit, but they didn't. Here
is the video from Animal Planet...
This is a merman's hand touching the glass
of a submersible science vessel
And... |
...this is the creature swimming away from
the submersible science vessel. Captured on film in the Greenland
Sea, March 6, 2013.
here. |
Special Mention: YouTube Video: "10
Times Real Mermaids Were Found" by The Magnum
Ancient MerFolk
in folklore
The concept of a half-humanoid, half-fish creature has been
around for millennia. And, it has nothing to do with mythology.
There has to be something to it. Even Christopher Columbus records seeing
Mermaids, and he claims (as do I) that they are not as beautiful as they have
been painted (or portrayed in the media).

Siren from an English Bestiary (Slightly altered by me for aesthetic and
modesty purposes) - 1235 A.D. -- Housed in a Library in
Britain. Leon's
Source. |
In Greek lore, there are sirens in the sea, which lure sailors to the
watery graves with their music and singing; and, of course, their beauty
(although the artist of the picture to the left may not have been able
to "capture" that beauty; Or, maybe the sailors were
enchanted into believing that the sirens were beautiful).
Interestingly, Sirens originally had wings like a bird. But,
they lost their wings when they lost a singing competition between them
and the Muses. |
Japanese Mermaid in Japanese art.
Sorry. Don't know much about Japanese lore. |

(AKA: Qallupilluit)
The QaluPalik, of Alaskan Inuit Lore are said to prey upon human
children who wander too close to the shore without parental
supervision. They have a pale-green skin, black hair, and have
both legs and a long tail. They hum to attract their prey.
Some links:
Channel's Missing in Alaska] (Note: PG-13 due to
scariness for young children).
[CryptoVille] |
The Sahmeran
(pronounced Shahmeran)
of Tarsus, Turkey.
I lived in Tarsus
for a year. I saw this statue. And, when I asked the locals
about it, this is what they told me...
The Legend of the Serpent King/Prince
(some versions say it was the king, some say it was the prince)...
I heard it as the king. A long, long time ago, the people of
Tarsus lived in harmony with the serpent people. The serpent
people were amphibious, living both on land and in the nearby sea.
When I say they lived in harmony, I mean that they tolerated each other,
and even engaged in trade. As legend has it, the serpent king fell
in love with the human king's daughter. One day, the king, being
so enamored with the human princess went to spy on her as she was
bathing in the bathhouse (which still exists today, and is in use as a
bathhouse). I've been there to take a bath. Photo of the
bathhouse is below and to the left. Continued below... |
Apparently, there was a window at the top of the domed bathhouse, where
the serpent king could look in. As he was admiring the human
princess, she by chance glanced up and saw the serpent king looking down
upon her. She screamed. The kings guards came running and
beheaded the serpent king.
This started a war between the humans and serpent folk, which eventually
led to all the serpent folk retreating to the sea. As they did so,
the prince vowed revenge and would one day come back with his armies to
destroy the city of Tarsus. The stains on the top of the bathhouse
dome is said to be the blood stains of the serpent king.
(Photo by me, 2009) |
Compare the legend of the Sahmeran of Turkey with the Far East legend
of the Nagas. Nagas are creatures that live in water, have
serpent-like tails and humanoid heads and torsos. They are said to
be both benevolent and malicious, all depending upon how we humans treat
their habitat. |

Click on image to see the video.
This is the best video I have ever seen of a mermaid/merman.
The video was posted on YouTube by Bana Ba Moya of South Africa and he
calls it an Inkanyamba.
The word "Inkanyamba" literally means whirlwind (in the
form of tornados or hurricanes). But, South African mythology says
that whirlwinds are caused by a water monster, generally described as a
serpentine creature with a head like a horse.
So, clearly this is not an Inkanyamba. It looks more like a
merfolk. My son says it looks like CGI. I disagree.
After watching the video at least 40 times, I'm convinced it is
real. And, there is no way that it is a human in a suit.
There are anatomical features that are very different than a human, such
as the very long neck, and the shape of the skull. Click on the
image to see the video and you decide for yourself. |
Here's another good video
to watch about Mermaid sightings.
It has 20 sightings caught on camera. My favorite is number 3.
Lake Monsters
and River Monsters
FOREWORD: I've yet to see convincing photographic
evidence, but here is a list of lake monsters, some of which I will be coverning.
Please come back later to see what I have added (as far as content).
Name: Bear Lake Monster
Location: Bear Lake, Utah
Video |
Name: Bessie
Location: Lake Erie, Canada, USA |
Name: Champ
Location: Lake Champlain, Canada, USA |
Name: Flathead Lake
Location: Flathead Lake, Montana |
Name: Inkanyamba
Location: Howick Falls, South Africa

Names: Bear
Lake Monster and Salt Lake Monster
Location: UTAH LAKE
Name: Lauriosauro
Location: Lake Como, Italy |
Name: Memphre
Location: Lake Memphremagog, Canada, USA |
Name: Mishipeshu
Location: Lake Superior, USA |
Name: Moleke-Mbembe
Location: Congo River Basin, Congo |
Name: Morag
Location: Loch Morag, Scotland |
Name: Muyso
Location: Lake Tota, Columbia |
Name: Hahuelito
Location: Naheul Huapi Lake, Argentina |
Name: Nessie
AKA: Loch Ness Monster
Location: Loch Ness, Scotland
Video |
Name: North-shore
Location: Great Salt Lake,
Utah, USA
Learn more here. |
Name: Ogopogo
Location: Lake Okanagan, Canada |
Location: |
Name: Tessie
AKA: Tahoe Tessie
Location: Lake Tahoe, Nevada/California |
Name: TianChi Monster
Location: Tian Chi Lake, China & North Korea
(There is a crater lake on the top of BaekDuSan)
[ Video1
] |
Location: |
Name: Van Golu Canavari
Location: Lake Van, Turkey
Video |
Location: |
[ Wikipedia
], [Various YouTube videos]
Learn about Utah's lake monsters.
Sea Monsters

In mythology, in legend, in the fossil record, and in modern
(and some photographic evidence!)
Mythology |
Legend |
Fossils |
Modern |
Ketos (Cetus) |
Kraken |
Mosasaurs |
Hook Island Sea Monster. |
The leviathan was not a real creature. It represented
water, especially steam. When water turns into steam, it can be seen
twisting and coiling upward. This the leviathan leaving the water, which
is described as a serpentine dragon. In fact, the word leviathan actually
means "twist; or coil" (Source).
For more information see my page entitled the Science
of Mythology.
Ketos / Cetus
In Greek mythology, the Ketos (or Cetus) was a sea monster, that
was eventually defeated by Hercules. That creature was in the
constellations, but was it modeled after a real creature that had been seen in
the seas? Compare this depiction of Cetus with the modern-day photographs
of a sea creature (See Hook Island Sea Monster below).

Picture from here.
The Kraken is from Norse lore and is a legendary sea monster
like a giant octopus or squid that was able to bring down ships. This is
NOT mythology, but rather sailor lore.
Etymologically, the word Kraken comes from the old Norse/Swedish
word "Krok" which means "Crook".
Here is a crook...
A crook kind of
looks like an octopus' tentacle, does it not?
The mosasaur was (is?) a real creature. Skeletons have
been found. Recently one was found in Utah. (Utah has been under the
sea many times in its past and the Great Salt Lake is a remnant of that sea).

Click on image above to see the original article.
The question is: are these creatures still alive
today? Some say, "Yes." I say, "Yes." See
the photographs below of the Hook Island Sea Monster!
Hook Island Sea Monster

More on the Hook Island Sea Monster soon.
I'll get back to ya. (There's a lot to tell about this
Land Cryptids
Leon's Other Links
that you might be interested in...
Leon's Links to External Sites
By placing the following links on my website, I'm not saying
that I endorse them. Some of them are questionable. Personally, I
don't like it when people profit from their U.F.O./E.T. experiences. I don't think it
is right. Plus, it lessens the credibility of the message. It
creates the appearance of a "scam" (i.e., the fraudulent luring of
lucre from innocent people with real hopes). On the other hand, if someone
is going to spend his/her time doing such an occupation as being an E.T.
contactee and relaying messages to us, they've got to eat, right? (I
don't mind if they write books and sell them for a reasonable price, but the
expensive seminars???? Are you kidding me?)
So, the point is: use your own
discretion; and don't "buy" into everything you
hear/see/read; "buyer" beware! ...'cause even if
someone is a legitimate channeler/medium, who's to say that the entity on the
"other end of the line" is a benevolent one?
something to add? Contact me.
If you are a channeler, automatic writer, medium, psychic or other paranormal
medium of any kind, please be careful. The demons (i.e., the bad,
interdimensional E.T.) can
shapeshift and appear as any entity they like. They can even change their
voice. They are very, very deceptive. As the Bible says, even Satan
can appear as an angel of light. Some demons have appeared to
people in the form of Jesus Christ. If you have inadvertently (or on
purpose) invited some negative entities into your life and are having trouble
getting rid of them, please see my
More External Links
Collection of Tales of
Close Encounters
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